4th shot Immune System Fatigue (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Friday, December 31, 2021, 05:44 (847 days ago) @ dulan drift

Israel, dutifully following the recommendation of Pfizer and Moderna scientists, is now administering a 4th shot.

However, other scientist, and anyone with common sense, is warning of 'immune system fatigue'.

Then what do we do?

Meanwhile, reports are saying 96% of Omicron patients in Germany were fully vaxxed - including 28% who were triple vaxxed.

Germany has a vax-rate of 71.1%. Even if the vaccine was the same as a placebo you'd still only expect 71.1% of cases amongst the vaxxed - but 96%?

Unsurprisingly, many countries such as Australia, have long since banned information regarding vax status of those infected with Covid. Occasionally stuff will get leaked to the media if an unvaxxed person dies, but everything else is strictly classified.

As with Covid origins, we have to use deduction to navigate areas where info is suppressed. Why is the info being withheld by vaccine advocates? Because it's not favourable to the pro-vax movement.

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