Doctors refusing to report adverse effects (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Tuesday, November 16, 2021, 11:54 (893 days ago) @ dulan drift

This phenomenon keeps cropping up - doctors sweeping adverse effects under the carpet. No doubt they think they are doing the right thing - to counter vaccine hesitancy - coz they believe that vaccines are the silver bullet for Covid.

(a) It's a big assumption to think vaccines will stop Covid when the available info says efficacy wanes to zero in 4-6 months - and it doesn't stop the virus spreading anyway coz vaxxed people can still catch/spread it

(b) It risks further eroding trust in science/medical professionals that already took a battering with the origin cover-up

Do they realize they are undermining the very thing they're trying to protect? Or are they too arrogant to see that?

News: Dan Petrovic describes himself as an avid “pro-vaxxer” who has long advocated vaccines to his more hesitant friends – so it was a “comedy twist” when he was the one who suffered a rare side effect.

The marketing executive, 42, spent six weeks after his second Pfizer shot with constant chest pains, which his GP ultimately said was likely a mild case of pericarditis, or inflammation of the lining around the heart.

Interestingly, 6 weeks off work with severe pain is considered 'mild'. I'd hate to see the severe cases.

Petrovic: This wasn’t a little bit of pain, this hits really hard and it was lingering for a long time. It’s a debilitating condition – can’t work, can’t walk, can’t walk up and down the stairs, can’t play with my daughter.

Mr Petrovic says one thing concerns him. Neither his cardiologist nor his GP would submit an adverse event report to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

Petrovic: I asked my doctor, ‘Are you going to submit this to the TGA as suspected pericarditis?'

He said, ‘You can go online to do it. I’m too busy.'

Similarly, his cardiologist, having ruled out more serious myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart itself, would not submit a report as he didn’t “see any damage” on his scans

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