Ivermectin Bombshell Admission (General)

by dan, Monday, December 13, 2021, 15:29 (864 days ago) @ dulan drift

What the fuck kind of world are we living in?

I'm afraid we live in a world in which drug companies strive not to make drugs to improve health, but to make and market drugs to increase profit, full stop. Drugs that don't increase profit will be bought and buried, or destroyed otherwise.

Can you imagine a magic pill that cured all disease forever? That pill would put all these companies out of business. These companies want drugs that either: 1) may very well cure a disease, but at a very large markup and huge profit, or, 2) may cure symptoms and be needed indefinitely by patients, at as much of a markup as the market will accept, which is a lot when people are in pain or they need the drug to stay alive.

Any drug that does not fit either of those models will be killed. A cheap, effective drug that cures disease is a Big Pharma killer. In short, they need sickness and disease to profit. It's a balancing act for them.

You don't see Big Pharma and government aggressively attacking the true killers in modern society -- horrible diets, lack of exercise, bad air, bad water.. they're all pretty quiet about that. Sure, they're attacking tobacco, now that they have vaping to sell.

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