Inventor of mRNA vaccines banned by Google (General)

by dan, Friday, June 25, 2021, 15:08 (1048 days ago) @ dan

This is incredible and very disturbing. I found the full interview here:

This is 3+ hour interview that I've started and so far it's very engaging.

Here's a YouTube video that will probably get deleted that discusses this interview:

This video touches on some high points of the long interview. One of the clips the host shares includes Dr. Malone referring (at around 5 minutes in) to the spike protein which is supposed to remain in only the cells it initially affects, coming loose, if I'm understanding him correctly, and putting up shop in other parts of the body.

"...revealing that spike gets cleaved off of the expressed cells and becomes free..."

There's also mention in this video of negative episodes happening weeks or months after the vaccine.

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