Vaccine Deaths worldwide (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Saturday, June 19, 2021, 06:44 (1042 days ago) @ dulan drift

Seems there's "no data" on the total number of deaths caused by vaccines worldwide - so that, according to the experts' logic, must mean there aren't any!

There are countless sites keeping track of every Covid infection and death, as well as every vaccine administered - but nothing on the number of vaccine deaths. Nothing.

Yes, you can find individual country data if you look hard - though a lot of that is opaquely recorded - but where's the death toll at globally? No idea.

According to VAERS reports in the US, we're up to about 5000 deaths there - and that's without AZ in the mix, which is the mostly widely used vaccine around the world.

So to extrapolate that figure on a world scale? The US at 333 mil has has about 1/24th of the world's total pop, which is 7.9 billion.

So 5000 x 24 - that gives us an approximate death toll of 120 000!

Oh, now i see why there's no data on it.

The scary thing is that we're still in the early days of the vaccine rollout and these are only the short-term deaths.

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