Ivermectin Bombshell Admission (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Monday, December 13, 2021, 09:21 (1145 days ago) @ dulan drift

World Tribune: In a stunning admission, virologist Dr. Andrew Hill acknowledged in a zoom call that publication of his study could lead to the deaths of at least a half million people.

In defending his reversal on the effectiveness of ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19, he discussed his “difficult situation” and said, “I’ve got this role where I’m supposed to produce this paper and we’re in a very difficult, delicate balance.”

Andrew Hill, PhD, is a senior visiting Research Fellow in Pharmacology at Liverpool University (and) an advisor for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Clinton Foundation. As a researcher for the WHO evaluating ivermectin, Hill wielded enormous influence over international guidance for the drug’s use.

Hill had previously authored a analysis of ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19 that found the drug overwhelmingly effective.

On Jan. 6 of 2021, Hill testified enthusiastically before the NIH COVID-19 Treatment Guidlelines Panel in support of ivermectin’s use. Within a month, however, Hill found himself in what he describes as a “tricky situation.” Under pressure from his funding sponsors, Hill then published an unfavorable study. Ironically, he used the same sources as in the original study. Only the conclusions had changed.

The pressure was in the form a 40 million dollar grant. The insinuation was either you backflip on your support for Ivermectin or there goes your money.

This, if it's true, is cold-hearted mass murder - for the sake of drug-profits. The guilty parties include all the institutions the people fund (WHO, NIH, FDA, and all their equivalents in western countries) and are meant to trust for medical advice - in our greatest moment of need.

What the fuck kind of world are we living in?

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