Rare Hero in Aus - Rami Ykmour (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Tuesday, September 28, 2021, 10:15 (935 days ago) @ dulan drift

Rashays Restaurant founder Rami Ykmour has made the costly decision to not open his restaurants for indoor dining until both the vaccinated and unvaccinated can dine.

Mr Ykmour, who has 23 stores and franchises in NSW, said the decision to exclude the unvaccinated “didn’t feel right” to him.

Rami Ykmour: It’s something I pride myself in business, that it’s an inclusive business, and it goes completely against what we stand for

We welcome everyone and to stand and ask everyone if they are vaccinated and to show me your vaccine passport – that's not something I want and it’s not a culture I want to encourage anyway.

It’s a costly decision at the moment but I think long term I want my kids to be proud that their dad stood up for unity as opposed to running for the dollar.

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