Covid pills - Merck (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Sunday, November 28, 2021, 07:26 (881 days ago) @ dan

Additionally, the FDA flagged a concern that Merck's drug led to small changes in the coronavirus' signature spike protein, which it uses to penetrate human cells. Theoretically, FDA cautioned, those changes could lead to dangerous new variants. Regulators also noted that Merck collected far less safety data overall on its drug than was gathered for other COVID-19 therapies.

How can they possibly allow a drug, not a cure mind you, just a drug to treat minor illness, that may create new variants?

But wait - there's more!

News: The drugmaker said the experimental pill, molnupiravir, was shown to be 30 per cent effective in fighting hospitalisations and deaths in a study of 1433 patients.

The regulator has said molnupiravir is effective in combating serious Covid-19 illness and death, but that they want to vet it for birth defect and pregnancy risks.

FDA scientists said their review identified several possible risks, including toxicity to developing foetuses and birth defects that were identified in studies of the pill in animals.

Meanwhile, Ivermectin, from the same company (Merck), remains banned because "not enough studies have been done". How can you develop a whole new drug that's 30% effective, may create new variants/cause birth defects - then push that over a proven safe/cheap drug that appeared to be very effective in India?

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