Vax-injury roadblock (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Sunday, November 20, 2022, 05:46 (524 days ago) @ dan

A govt scheme has been set up to assess/compensate vaccine victims in Australia. The Catch-22 is that the panel of independent experts who adjudicate the scheme, are all vax-injury deniers.

Pity those poor people - either forced to take the vaccine or fully-trusting in it, but then when they experience a severe adverse reaction they are funneled into a bureaucratic dead-end and told that it's all in their minds.

Husband: I’ve spent the last 16 months looking after her – she can’t work, and I can’t work, and we’re about to lose our house. I haven’t been able to hold my wife for 16 months because her hands and skin are so badly damaged through the capillary leak syndrome.

Their doctor: I reassert and repeat my previously submitted medical statement that the [Guillain-Barre syndrome] and her other claimable conditions resulted from her acute systemic inflammatory response to [AstraZeneca]

They were kind of 'lucky' to even have a doctor who was prepared to link it, given the cultural mindset of denial amongst medical professionals, but even that wasn't enough.

Anonymous panel of independent experts from Govt scheme: After considering the presently available information, I am not reasonably satisfied, on the balance of probabilities, that you suffered a “Covid-19 Vaccine Related Harm”.

In particular, while it can be accepted that you experienced a reaction to the vaccine, it is my view that there is presently no diagnosis from a relevant treating practitioner that is sufficiently definitive to enable me to be satisfied that you suffered TTS [thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome], CLS [capillary leak syndrome] or GBS [Guillain-Barre syndrome] as a result of receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine.

So fuck off and die.

Perhaps the weirdest thing about the story though is this sentence from the husband: We are not anti-vaxxers – I have been vaxxed four times myself. We are both in favour of the vaccine rollout.

Jeez, mate - your wife is incapacitated by the vaccine yet you're still pumping into your own body as fast as you can? And all in favour of others doing the same ...? If you can understand the logic of that, then you can understand the crazy situation we are in culturally.

What we know:

1. AZ was useless from the first moment the virus first mutated to a new variant - which was when most people took it. It was then quietly banned worldwide (except in 3rd world countries, to which it was then donated) due to adverse reactions and/or ineffectiveness.
2. Pfizer etc supposedly offered some protection for 4 months, after which it was useless - according Pfizer's own studies
3. None of the original vaccines work against Omicron, which is less severe than a normal flu - so you don't need to be vaxxed against anyway.

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