Andrews's Covid Tax (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Friday, May 26, 2023, 07:12 (337 days ago) @ dulan drift

As studies emerge about how damaging/counter-productive lockdowns were - confirming common-sense concerns - Andrews has announced a Covid-tax to pay for his world-record draconianism. It entails a tax on those with a second house - which sounds ok on the surface, but the first thing landlords will do is pass it straight onto renters. In effect, it's a tax on the poor.

Cath Evans, Property Council of Australia: Lowering the tax threshold will of course cause increased stress and pressure for those land holders to maintain those properties, and it does become a risk that those costs get passed onto renters, and of course adding to what is already a significant challenge in our rental market here.

Meanwhile, corporate Australia made RECORD PROFITS ... due to Covid. Why don't they fucking well pay?

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