The Wheel Turns (General)

by dan, Sunday, November 21, 2021, 18:43 (886 days ago) @ dulan drift

Coz the protests aren't going away - no matter how long the media censors reporting on them - in fact it only fuels them - backs the media further down their dead-end street towards irrelevance.

I see what you mean about the censorship. If you didn't know any better and looked at the coronavirus page, you'd think there were no protests in Australia.

Here's a question. I've seen references here and there about antifa groups protesting in favor of stricter covid lockdowns and vaccine mandates.

So you have one group protesting against facism and totalitarianism as it's unfolding with regards to covid, and the media inaccurately labels them far right. Then you have a group supposedly against facism, even named as such, protesting for more facism!

Our world would make Orwell blush!

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