US Debt (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Sunday, September 15, 2024, 19:27 (4 days ago) @ dan

No, it's not sustainable at all. It will all crash and burn at some point. This is what the politicians do not want us to think about. It will kill us, or cause massive war, poverty, and starvation, long before climate change.

Imagine if you could get the popular-culture climate-change level of enthusiasm for these more existential issues, such as The Rise of the Machine via money control.

My understanding is that the US can maintain this death spiral for quite a few years because the USD is the reserve currency; most international debt is held in USD, so regardless of how far the US goes into debt, countries must still buy the USD to service their debt, and the US Fed knows this.

That's the definition of a rigged system, at massive scale. Evidence that it's all a contrived game.

Inflation is how they take wealth from the poor and give it to the rich. With any positive GDP, there should be DEflation, and deflation helps everybody. It means we can buy more with what we have and work less. An increase in GDP produces a SURPLUS and so prices should come down. But the ORG-GODS don't want that. INflation assures that we are kept in financial slavery.

Interesting take. These are the levers that are pulled to run the show.

And when this does all crash and burn, they'll introduce a CBDC or something close. In the US it may be a corporate, banking digital currency. But it's coming.

For sure, there'll be some concurrent pitch to keep us safe.
There's a thing going on in Aus now about an internet license, including AI age-verification - all to keep us safe. It's different but related. CBDCs are an integral part of this coming Everything App where all your financial/bio/personal data is recorded. It's already come in China, it's coming everywhere else fast.

Regarding CBDC, Thailand is apparently releasing one. I've been listening to this guy on the topic. Apparently Thailand is trying to institute some, well, unfortunate financial policies. Here's a recent comment on a tax proposal. In short, what's happening in Thailand seems to be a manifestation of something going on internationally.

As the guy says, there's nothing mysterious about what's going down, it's there in plain sight - just a matter of enough people noticing it & reacting (in a determined way) - but that seems to be the hard part.

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