US Debate (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Thursday, September 12, 2024, 18:26 (154 days ago) @ dan

Not only did they not discuss Taiwan, AI, or Covid, they didn't talk about the house of cards that is the world economy or even the US economy. All we got is nonsense about helping the middle class, presumably by printing more money

Yeah, i forgot about Money Printing. God forbid we take a moment to address these monumental issues. That might mean having to understand the primary causes. Plato had it right with his cave-wall projection - this distraction theatre is not something new - it's as old as power itself.

And the reason they didn't discuss it is because they know they can't do anything about it because they're NOT IN CONTROL. The ORGMAN is in control. (What did we decide to name the nasty power conglomerate that prefers to remain unnoticed?)

I think it was ORG-GODS or GOD-ORGS - it evolved from The Refuser.

If I vote, it will be either Libertarian or a write in for one of my neighbor's dogs. People like to say, "If you vote 3rd party, you're wasting your vote." No, it's not a wasted vote. It's a vote. No vote is wasted. They notice. And Spot might just win.

Go Spot!

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