War in The Middle East 2024 (General)

by dan, Thursday, August 08, 2024, 15:28 (189 days ago) @ dulan drift

We mentioned 'the noise' around an impending (cyber) event earlier - seems clear now what that event is - Iran in direct war against Israel/US (which will involve cyber-warfare). There was the insider trading stock sell-off, Aus announced it's 'terrorist' threat level had been raised to 'probable'...

All signs that something is amiss, or rather that the house of cards is shaking. Here we are, international corporate, financial, political leaders deciding the fate of the world behind the scenes, making sure that when the shit hits the fan, it won't fall on them. But it will hit on the rest of us.

And we have the US election coming up. Russia and China will do everything they can to pit American against American, and most Americans will fall for it, focusing on how much they hate their neighbors rather than trying to figure out who is really screwing them.

Which opens up another potentially irresistible window for CCP to invade Taiwan. They'd have their own schedule, so wouldn't be too swayed by opportunistic moments, but the escalation of the Middle East War, may well have been a part of that plan.

I find it stunning that so many people think China won't make any moves on Taiwan. They already are! The daily air and sea incursions -- do people think that's just for training? And it won't necessarily be a military attack. With AI working social networks and financial coercion alone, I bet China could take over Taiwan within a generation.

But they may not want to wait that long.

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