US Debate (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Wednesday, September 11, 2024, 19:19 (154 days ago) @ dan

But once AI starts creating it's own code, literally, from the ground floor up, from a new language, surely multiple coding languages, that it creates and no human knows. Wow, then we're truly fucked.

Great post, seminal even. It's also potential evidence that we're trapped inside a computer game simulation - we're finally coming home to daddy.

On a different, but related topic, we had another debate, another no mention of the C-word's origin - the most impactful event since WW2.

Interestingly, there also didn't seem to be a question on the China, Taiwan, Philippines flashpoint. Maybe i missed it (didn't catch the whole debate). Did anyone even say the word Taiwan?

Also no questions/discussion on the very fast rise of AI that you've articulated so well - which everyone actually knows about - has concerns - it's a massive thing in human history - but now's not the right time to talk about it?

I would like to know what the candidates' positions are on these topics.

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