WHO bans Taiwanese journalists (General)

by dan, Friday, June 03, 2022, 20:09 (694 days ago) @ dulan drift

No, that's not right. This is where i think WW3 is already happening. It's a war on individual rights by unaccountable globalists. We've blown the cover on the origin of Covid - that ought to have been the tide turning moment - but somehow we're still losing.

And China is leading the way. It's paving the path for the rest of the power elite to follow. First, take total control over personal freedom. China has done this with its social credit system, digital currency (arising), and recent show of power via crackdown on Shanghai. The message is clear. Toe the line or get fucked. Toe the line or we will haul you away, literally.

And people respond. No doubt the other power hungry in the west are salivating when they see what China has done. Look at Hong Kong. Gone. Tiananmen Square? Didn't happen, even in Hong Kong now.

Democracy is dead. What person in power doesn't want more power?

State controlled digital currency is coming to the west, and that will have, by its very nature, a social score element. It will erase any semblance of privacy in what one purchases or where that purchase is made, or when, or how. It will be the end of anonymity. In order to get this currency, you will have to show some form of ID. From that point, everything you do with that currency will be tracked. It can be blocked. So you might find that your currency is no longer usable. They can make it so that your currency can only be spent on some things, or at some places, or at some time of day.

Why wouldn't a power hungry corporation, which is what our governments are now, want to use that technology?

So we'll see it being slowly introduced into our economies. Who knows how it will happen, but it will. I suspect a combination of unchecked inflation, collapsing fiat, and failing economies might lead to the introduction of this new currency. The question is, will it be done quickly or gradually. I'm guessing gradually. It will be floated as something desirable, something to get into, if you can, to hedge inflation. There might be limited availability, or trial runs (hence limited), or test markets, all piquing interest in this new, better, more stable, safer money.

It might come with favorable interest rates on loans or other incentives, but it will come.

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