Taking the politics out (General)

by dan, Sunday, May 30, 2021, 14:35 (1059 days ago) @ dulan drift

Here's a somewhat disappointing look by Al Jazeera into the now acceptable questions being raised about a lab leak. Not only does the host begin the show by referring to the initial speculation of a leak as a conspiracy theory, he doesn't hold the CCP's bitch, Victor Gao, to account when Gao (a funny name for such a low life) walks all over him. One of Gao's main points is that the world needs to keep politics out of it and follow the science.

It's hard to watch. The guest virologist did raise an interesting theory. He thinks the most likely scenario is that somebody, perhaps a disgruntled employee, purposefully stole and released some of the virus. He finds that as more possible than a leak, even though lab leaks of lethal viruses have happened multiple times in the past, another point the host didn't raise.

If this shit show of a look at a possible leak is an indication of what we can expect from the media, then this is going nowhere. And Al Jazeera is, IMO, one of the better media outlets out there.

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