Dr. Peter K. Ben Embarek - Team Leader (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Friday, January 15, 2021, 05:55 (1197 days ago) @ dulan drift

Team Leader (not listed as part of the Team of 10)

Food Safety Scientist, World Health Organization

Team Leader of Investigation

Has worked with the CCP since at least 2009 -"leading expert on food safety in China"

Was part of the then-anonymous 2-person team that travelled to Beijing in July to negotiate the terms of the 2021-Investigation with the CCP


"It could be a very long journey before we get a full understanding of what happened. I don't think we will have clear answers after this initial mission, but we will be on the way."

"There is nothing to indicate that it would be man-made."

"Before December 2019 we don't really know what happened, we don't know how the virus jumped from its most probable natural environment in the bat population over to humans. And it's that bit of the history that we need to reconstruct."

Investigations would look into "everything that went in and out of that market at that time and try to find out where these animals and food products came from."

They would look for commonalities among market workers who got severely ill in December and whether they were infected in the countryside or a farming environment in southern China or "perhaps even outside China," he said.


Team Leader parrots WHO/CCP lines of: 'Don't expect answers', 'No lab evidence', 'Wildlife/market origin', 'outside China'.

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