Dominic Dwyer - WHO Investigator (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Saturday, December 26, 2020, 15:07 (1217 days ago) @ dulan drift

Dominic Dwyer


Microbiologist at Westmead Hospital Sydney

Ties to China: Worked with WHO/China since SARS in 2003.

Previous Comments:

"This virus is probably not too much of a problem, but you know, we've got to monitor. (Jan 29)

"As a doctor and a scientist, I think politics complicates getting the answers. So I'd rather keep that aside and let other people argue the toss over that." (Dec 2, 2020)

Timestamp 1:20: "Our work as scientists is separate from politicians so we will try to leave the politics out of this."

Timestamp 1:50: "Get some sort of answers that at the very least will help with preparation for the next pandemic virus or event."

"I think the access, my understanding, is it's going to be very good."

Timestamp 2:40: "Obviously the Chinese have done a vast amount of work in trying to understand what happened so it's a matter of reviewing what they have done so far."

Timestamp 3:20: "Finding the original animal or original patient zero might be very difficult if not impossible."

(May 5, 2021) "The evidence we got and the questions we asked and the answers we got are really what I would expect if I was doing the same investigation in Australia or New Zealand or somewhere similar."

Downplayed the severity of Covid
Praises access allowed by CCP and work of China scientists
Says finding origin might be impossible - it's about preparing for the next one.
Claims he is 'taking the politics out of the investigation'

It's this last point that sticks in my craw the most - a typical comment from WHO investigators. Acquiescing to CCP control of the investigation, including setting of the agenda (ruling WIV out), vetting investigators, and limiting investigators to reviewing what China scientists have presented them, is not taking the politics out of the investigation! It's totally political.

It's the old two choices scenario - saying there is no politics involved in the investigation means you are either very stupid or your corrupt. Either way you shouldn't be allowed anywhere near an investigation.


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