- Dan Andrews, Pt 1: Zoe Buhler - dulan drift, 2020-09-10, 10:02
- State of Disaster - dulan drift, 2020-09-10, 11:15
- Dan Andrews riding high - dulan drift, 2020-09-15, 20:00
- Security Guard Sex Scandal - dulan drift, 2020-09-16, 18:04
- An Aside - dulan drift, 2020-09-22, 17:52
- An Aside - dan, 2020-09-22, 18:50
- An Aside - dulan drift, 2020-09-23, 17:14
- The Hotel Quarantine Investigation - dulan drift, 2020-09-23, 17:31
- An Aside - dulan drift, 2020-09-23, 17:14
- An Aside - dan, 2020-09-22, 18:50
- An Aside - dulan drift, 2020-09-22, 17:52
- Security Guard Sex Scandal - dulan drift, 2020-09-16, 18:04
- State of Disaster - dan, 2020-09-22, 18:37
- Dan Andrews riding high - dulan drift, 2020-09-15, 20:00
- Victoria's New Normal - dan, 2020-09-22, 18:34
- Victoria's New Normal - dulan drift, 2020-09-24, 17:36
- Breaking News - dulan drift, 2020-09-24, 17:39
- Refusal of ADF help - dulan drift, 2020-09-25, 17:24
- Cool Health Minister quote - dulan drift, 2020-09-25, 17:42
- CCP Cooperation - Belt and Road - dulan drift, 2020-09-29, 18:29
- CCP Daniel Andrews Contract - what he signed Vic up for - dulan drift, 2020-10-01, 17:52
- BRI Contract - extract - dulan drift, 2020-10-03, 17:37
- BRI Contract - extract - dan, 2020-10-03, 20:24
- BRI Contract - extract - dulan drift, 2020-10-05, 17:12
- 2019 Trip to China - dulan drift, 2020-10-05, 17:28
- BRI Contract - extract - dan, 2020-10-05, 18:47
- When in China - do what the CCP tell you to do... - dulan drift, 2020-10-08, 18:40
- Motivation - Big Infrastructure guy - dulan drift, 2020-10-20, 17:17
- Transurban - dulan drift, 2020-10-26, 16:47
- Transurban 2 - West Gate Tunnel - dulan drift, 2020-10-29, 20:42
- Transurban 3 - China influence? - dulan drift, 2020-11-01, 13:35
- John Holland - WG Tunnel construction company - dulan drift, 2020-11-01, 14:27
- John Holland - A Bright New Future - dulan drift, 2020-11-03, 18:33
- Deng Xiao-ping and The Party Vision - dulan drift, 2020-11-28, 14:57
- Deng Party Vision 2: Bitterness - dulan drift, 2020-12-06, 10:15
- Party Vision 3: The Treaty of Versailles - May 4 Movement - dulan drift, 2020-12-06, 11:46
- Party Vision 4: Xi Jinping Thought - dulan drift, 2020-12-16, 08:23
- Dan Andrews Suffers Serious Fall - dulan drift, 2021-03-13, 08:18
- Dan Andrews asked about Fall cover-up - dulan drift, 2021-06-07, 19:43
- Dan Andrews asked about Fall cover-up - dulan drift, 2021-06-08, 19:14
- Vic Covid deathrate extreme - dulan drift, 2021-08-07, 19:46
- Police Violence - no-jab-no-job protest - dulan drift, 2021-09-23, 09:57
- No-jab-no-job Protest - dulan drift, 2021-09-23, 10:00
- No-jab-no-job Protest - dulan drift, 2021-09-23, 10:01
- No-jab-no-job Protest - Monica Smit - dulan drift, 2021-09-23, 10:03
- Andrews' Govt sets world-record for lockdown - dulan drift, 2021-09-26, 06:23
- More Vicgov police brutality - dulan drift, 2021-10-03, 13:26
- Andrews enforces vaccine apartheid - dulan drift, 2021-10-14, 12:29
- Andrews enforces vaccine apartheid - dan, 2021-10-16, 18:40
- Andrews to punsih unVaxxed until at least 2023 - dulan drift, 2021-10-24, 10:51
- The Wheel Turns - dulan drift, 2021-11-21, 06:58
- The Wheel Turns - dan, 2021-11-21, 18:43
- The Wheel Turns - dulan drift, 2021-11-22, 05:58
- Andrews Red Shirts - dulan drift, 2022-02-09, 18:49
- AFL adopts Premiers' crackdown on dissent - dulan drift, 2022-04-19, 18:15
- AFL adopts Premiers' crackdown on dissent - dan, 2022-04-20, 19:09
- AFL crackdown on dissent - dulan drift, 2022-06-07, 18:07
- Dan's stairs - dulan drift, 2022-11-07, 06:00
- Dan's stairs - dan, 2022-11-10, 18:08
- Andrews wins third term - dulan drift, 2022-11-27, 07:21
- Andrews wins third term - dan, 2022-12-02, 18:51
- Andrews wins third term - dulan drift, 2022-12-04, 08:46
- Andrews wins third term - dan, 2022-12-02, 18:51
- Andrews wins third term - dulan drift, 2022-11-27, 07:21
- Dan's stairs - dan, 2022-11-10, 18:08
- Dan's stairs - dulan drift, 2022-11-07, 06:00
- AFL crackdown on dissent - dulan drift, 2022-06-07, 18:07
- AFL adopts Premiers' crackdown on dissent - dan, 2022-04-20, 19:09
- AFL adopts Premiers' crackdown on dissent - dulan drift, 2022-04-19, 18:15
- Andrews Red Shirts - dulan drift, 2022-02-09, 18:49
- The Wheel Turns - dulan drift, 2021-11-22, 05:58
- The Wheel Turns - dan, 2021-11-21, 18:43
- The Wheel Turns - dulan drift, 2021-11-21, 06:58
- Andrews to punsih unVaxxed until at least 2023 - dulan drift, 2021-10-24, 10:51
- Andrews enforces vaccine apartheid - dan, 2021-10-16, 18:40
- Andrews enforces vaccine apartheid - dulan drift, 2021-10-14, 12:29
- More Vicgov police brutality - dulan drift, 2021-10-03, 13:26
- Andrews' Govt sets world-record for lockdown - dulan drift, 2021-09-26, 06:23
- No-jab-no-job Protest - Monica Smit - dulan drift, 2021-09-23, 10:03
- No-jab-no-job Protest - dulan drift, 2021-09-23, 10:01
- Cowardly Cop's Violent Assault Charges Dismissed - dulan drift, 2023-02-25, 09:49
- Cowardly Cop's Violent Assault Charges Dismissed - dan, 2023-02-25, 15:37
- Andrews to visit China - dulan drift, 2023-03-26, 08:13
- Andrews China Visit - solo-style - dulan drift, 2023-03-28, 08:07
- Andrews China Visit - solo-style - dan, 2023-03-30, 15:41
- Andrews China Visit - solo-style - dulan drift, 2023-03-31, 08:11
- Economic Rationalism - dulan drift, 2023-04-01, 07:56
- Andrews's Covid Tax - dulan drift, 2023-05-26, 07:12
- Andrews's Covid Tax - dan, 2023-05-27, 15:18
- Andrews's Covid Tax - dulan drift, 2023-05-29, 10:34
- Andrews's Covid Tax - dan, 2023-05-27, 15:18
- Andrews's Covid Tax - dulan drift, 2023-05-26, 07:12
- Andrews China Visit - solo-style - dan, 2023-03-30, 15:41
- Andrews China Visit - solo-style - dulan drift, 2023-03-28, 08:07
- Andrews to visit China - dulan drift, 2023-03-26, 08:13
- Cowardly Cop's Violent Assault Charges Dismissed - dan, 2023-02-25, 15:37
- No-jab-no-job Protest - dulan drift, 2021-09-23, 10:00
- Police Violence - no-jab-no-job protest - dulan drift, 2021-09-23, 09:57
- Vic Covid deathrate extreme - dulan drift, 2021-08-07, 19:46
- Dan Andrews asked about Fall cover-up - dulan drift, 2021-06-08, 19:14
- Dan Andrews asked about Fall cover-up - dulan drift, 2021-06-07, 19:43
- Dan Andrews Suffers Serious Fall - dulan drift, 2021-03-13, 08:18
- Party Vision 4: Xi Jinping Thought - dulan drift, 2020-12-16, 08:23
- Party Vision 3: The Treaty of Versailles - May 4 Movement - dulan drift, 2020-12-06, 11:46
- Deng Party Vision 2: Bitterness - dulan drift, 2020-12-06, 10:15
- Deng Xiao-ping and The Party Vision - dulan drift, 2020-11-28, 14:57
- John Holland - A Bright New Future - dulan drift, 2020-11-03, 18:33
- John Holland - WG Tunnel construction company - dulan drift, 2020-11-01, 14:27
- Transurban 3 - China influence? - dulan drift, 2020-11-01, 13:35
- Transurban 2 - West Gate Tunnel - dulan drift, 2020-10-29, 20:42
- Transurban - dulan drift, 2020-10-26, 16:47
- Motivation - Big Infrastructure guy - dulan drift, 2020-10-20, 17:17
- When in China - do what the CCP tell you to do... - dulan drift, 2020-10-08, 18:40
- BRI Contract - extract - dulan drift, 2020-10-05, 17:12
- BRI Contract - extract - dan, 2020-10-03, 20:24
- BRI Contract - extract - dulan drift, 2020-10-03, 17:37
- CCP Daniel Andrews Contract - what he signed Vic up for - dulan drift, 2020-10-01, 17:52
- CCP Cooperation - Belt and Road - dulan drift, 2020-09-29, 18:29
- Cool Health Minister quote - dulan drift, 2020-09-25, 17:42
- Refusal of ADF help - dulan drift, 2020-09-25, 17:24
- Breaking News - dulan drift, 2020-09-24, 17:39
- Victoria's New Normal - dulan drift, 2020-09-24, 17:36
- State of Disaster - dulan drift, 2020-09-10, 11:15
- The Thousand - dulan drift, 2020-08-27, 18:40
- The Thousand - dan, 2020-08-28, 16:02
- Mysterious Seed Packages - dulan drift, 2020-08-26, 07:56
- Mysterious Seed Packages - dan, 2020-08-26, 15:41
- Mysterious Seed Packages - dan, 2020-08-26, 15:42
- Mysterious Seed Packages - dulan drift, 2020-08-28, 13:18
- Mysterious Seed Packages - dan, 2020-08-28, 15:53
- Mysterious Seed Packages - dulan drift, 2020-08-28, 13:18
- Mysterious Seed Packages - dan, 2020-08-26, 15:42
- Mysterious Seed Packages - dan, 2020-08-26, 15:41
- War in Taiwan - dulan drift, 2020-08-05, 09:24
- War in Taiwan - dan, 2020-08-05, 11:13
- War in Taiwan - dulan drift, 2020-08-06, 08:26
- War in Taiwan - Internal pressures - dulan drift, 2020-08-09, 09:04
- War in Taiwan - Cyber element - dulan drift, 2020-08-09, 16:57
- War in Taiwan - dan, 2020-08-09, 19:11
- War in Taiwan - Cyber - dulan drift, 2020-08-10, 18:09
- War in Taiwan - dan, 2020-08-10, 19:06
- War in Taiwan - Decentralization - dulan drift, 2020-08-11, 06:43
- War in Taiwan - dan, 2020-08-10, 19:06
- War in Taiwan - Cyber - dulan drift, 2020-08-10, 18:09
- War in Taiwan - dan, 2020-08-09, 19:11
- War in Taiwan - dan, 2020-08-09, 18:56
- War in Taiwan - dan, 2020-08-09, 19:29
- War in Taiwan - dulan drift, 2020-08-10, 18:18
- War in Taiwan - dan, 2020-08-10, 19:14
- War in Taiwan - dulan drift, 2020-08-11, 06:31
- Recognize Taiwan hypothetical - dulan drift, 2020-08-11, 12:39
- War in Taiwan - dan, 2020-08-11, 15:39
- War in Taiwan - dan, 2020-08-11, 15:50
- War in Taiwan - dulan drift, 2020-08-11, 18:21
- US Health Secretary Azar visits Taiwan - dulan drift, 2020-08-12, 18:05
- Xi Jinping - food crisis? - dulan drift, 2020-08-13, 18:48
- Military exercises - US spy plane - dulan drift, 2020-08-27, 06:02
- Military exercises - dan, 2020-08-27, 16:08
- Rising Star photo - dulan drift, 2020-08-29, 19:08
- Military exercises - dan, 2020-08-29, 19:22
- Military exercises - dulan drift, 2020-08-30, 21:37
- Taiwan defense system - ppl on motorcycles with grenades - dulan drift, 2020-08-31, 19:46
- Taiwan defense system - dan, 2020-09-01, 04:56
- Taiwan defense system - dan, 2020-09-01, 05:53
- Taiwan invasion scenarios - dulan drift, 2020-09-01, 06:56
- Taiwan defense system - dan, 2020-09-11, 20:11
- War games 90 miles offshore - dulan drift, 2020-09-11, 21:08
- War games 90 miles offshore - dan, 2020-09-18, 04:43
- US Marines training on Taiwan - dulan drift, 2020-09-18, 20:20
- PLA Airforce Incursions - dulan drift, 2020-09-19, 11:53
- PLA Airforce Incursions - dulan drift, 2020-09-21, 07:13
- PLA Airforce Incursions - dan, 2020-09-21, 12:22
- PLA Airforce Incursions - dan, 2020-09-21, 12:19
- PLA Airforce promo video - dulan drift, 2020-09-22, 06:21
- PLA Airforce promo video - dan, 2020-09-22, 09:39
- PLA Airforce promo video - dan, 2020-10-04, 16:27
- Quad meeting - dulan drift, 2020-10-07, 08:12
- Taiwanese arrested for taking photos - dulan drift, 2020-10-13, 11:17
- Invasion after election? - dulan drift, 2020-10-13, 11:36
- Pratas Islands flashpoint - dulan drift, 2020-10-17, 08:32
- Pratas Islands flashpoint - dan, 2020-10-17, 10:21
- Pratas Islands flashpoint - dan, 2020-10-19, 18:49
- Has Tsai called Biden to offer congratulations? - dulan drift, 2020-11-14, 17:24
- Secretive visit of US Admiral - dulan drift, 2020-11-25, 18:28
- Secretive visit of US Admiral - dan, 2020-11-25, 18:41
- Biologically enhanced super-soldiers - dulan drift, 2020-12-04, 07:53
- Microwave weapons - Havana syndrome - dulan drift, 2020-12-14, 06:57
- Microwave weapons - Havana syndrome - dan, 2020-12-14, 15:38
- Microwave weapons - Havana syndrome - dulan drift, 2020-12-14, 19:21
- US Ends Restrictions on Taiwan Visits - dulan drift, 2021-01-13, 09:07
- China Ramps up Aggression to test Biden resolve - dulan drift, 2021-01-25, 06:42
- China Ramps up Aggression to test Biden resolve - dan, 2021-01-28, 17:56
- Recognize Taiwan - dulan drift, 2021-03-25, 11:20
- Recognize Taiwan - dan, 2021-03-26, 17:49
- Recognize Taiwan - dulan drift, 2021-03-25, 11:20
- China Ramps up Aggression to test Biden resolve - dan, 2021-01-28, 17:56
- China Ramps up Aggression to test Biden resolve - dulan drift, 2021-01-25, 06:42
- US Ends Restrictions on Taiwan Visits - dulan drift, 2021-01-13, 09:07
- Microwave weapons - Havana syndrome - dulan drift, 2020-12-14, 19:21
- Microwave weapons - Havana syndrome - dan, 2020-12-14, 15:38
- Microwave weapons - Havana syndrome - dulan drift, 2020-12-14, 06:57
- Biologically enhanced super-soldiers - dulan drift, 2020-12-04, 07:53
- Secretive visit of US Admiral - dan, 2020-11-25, 18:41
- Secretive visit of US Admiral - dulan drift, 2020-11-25, 18:28
- Has Tsai called Biden to offer congratulations? - dulan drift, 2020-11-14, 17:24
- Pratas Islands flashpoint - dan, 2020-10-19, 18:49
- Pratas Islands flashpoint - dan, 2020-10-17, 10:21
- Pratas Islands flashpoint - dulan drift, 2020-10-17, 08:32
- Invasion after election? - dulan drift, 2020-10-13, 11:36
- Taiwanese arrested for taking photos - dulan drift, 2020-10-13, 11:17
- Quad meeting - dulan drift, 2020-10-07, 08:12
- PLA Airforce promo video - dan, 2020-10-04, 16:27
- PLA Airforce promo video - dan, 2020-09-22, 09:39
- PLA Airforce promo video - dulan drift, 2020-09-22, 06:21
- PLA Airforce Incursions - dulan drift, 2020-09-21, 07:13
- PLA Airforce Incursions - dulan drift, 2020-09-19, 11:53
- US Marines training on Taiwan - dulan drift, 2020-09-18, 20:20
- War games 90 miles offshore - dan, 2020-09-18, 04:43
- War games 90 miles offshore - dulan drift, 2020-09-11, 21:08
- Taiwan defense system - dan, 2020-09-11, 20:11
- Taiwan invasion scenarios - dulan drift, 2020-09-01, 06:56
- Taiwan defense system - dan, 2020-09-01, 05:53
- Taiwan defense system - dan, 2020-09-01, 04:56
- Taiwan defense system - ppl on motorcycles with grenades - dulan drift, 2020-08-31, 19:46
- Military exercises - dulan drift, 2020-08-30, 21:37
- Military exercises - dan, 2020-08-29, 19:22
- Rising Star photo - dulan drift, 2020-08-29, 19:08
- Military exercises - dan, 2020-08-27, 16:08
- Military exercises - US spy plane - dulan drift, 2020-08-27, 06:02
- Xi Jinping - food crisis? - dulan drift, 2020-08-13, 18:48
- US Health Secretary Azar visits Taiwan - dulan drift, 2020-08-12, 18:05
- War in Taiwan - dulan drift, 2020-08-11, 18:21
- Recognize Taiwan hypothetical - dulan drift, 2020-08-11, 12:39
- War in Taiwan - dulan drift, 2020-08-11, 06:31
- War in Taiwan - dan, 2020-08-10, 19:14
- War in Taiwan - dulan drift, 2020-08-10, 18:18
- War in Taiwan - Cyber element - dulan drift, 2020-08-09, 16:57
- War in Taiwan - Internal pressures - dulan drift, 2020-08-09, 09:04
- War in Taiwan - dulan drift, 2020-08-06, 08:26
- War in Taiwan - dan, 2020-08-05, 11:13
- The Vaccine Data War - dan, 2020-07-30, 16:26
- The Vaccine Data War - dan, 2020-07-31, 11:16
- The Vaccine Data War - dan, 2020-07-31, 11:30
- The Vaccine Data War - dulan drift, 2020-08-01, 08:03
- The Vaccine Data War - dan, 2020-08-02, 12:04
- Russia Vaccine - dulan drift, 2020-08-11, 20:32
- Russia Vaccine - dulan drift, 2020-08-13, 06:18
- China Vaccine - dulan drift, 2020-08-15, 06:15
- Australia Vaccine - dulan drift, 2020-08-19, 18:50
- H1N1 Vaccine fail - dulan drift, 2020-09-03, 18:53
- Russia Vaccine - dulan drift, 2020-09-06, 21:16
- Oxford Vaccine Problem - dulan drift, 2020-09-09, 10:41
- Oxford Vaccine Problem - dulan drift, 2020-09-09, 18:37
- Oxford Vaccine Problem - dan, 2020-09-09, 18:52
- Oxford Vaccine Problem - dan, 2020-09-09, 18:40
- Message Management - dulan drift, 2020-09-25, 10:22
- Dodgy China vaccines - dulan drift, 2020-09-27, 07:26
- Dodgy China vaccines - dan, 2020-09-27, 15:29
- Is Breast Milk the best vaccine? - dulan drift, 2020-09-29, 18:48
- Vaccines problematic for old people - dulan drift, 2020-10-14, 17:04
- Vaccines problematic for old people - dan, 2020-10-14, 18:58
- Vaccines problematic for old people - dulan drift, 2020-10-16, 08:26
- Mutation in mink threatens vaccine efficacy - dulan drift, 2020-11-06, 06:29
- Pfizer Vaccine - 90% effective? - dulan drift, 2020-11-10, 12:11
- Pfizer Vaccine - 90% effective? - dan, 2020-11-10, 14:40
- Pfizer Vaccine - 90% effective? - dan, 2020-11-10, 16:29
- Pfizer Vaccine - 90% effective? - dan, 2021-02-21, 16:52
- Pfizer Vaccine - 90% effective? - dan, 2020-11-10, 14:40
- Mutation in mink threatens vaccine efficacy - dan, 2020-11-10, 15:38
- Oxford AstraZeneca's dodgy science - dulan drift, 2020-11-28, 11:00
- Oxford AstraZeneca's dodgy science - dan, 2020-11-28, 15:04
- Oxford AstraZeneca's dodgy science - dan, 2020-11-28, 15:52
- Oxford AstraZeneca's dodgy science - dulan drift, 2020-11-29, 08:29
- Oxford AstraZeneca's dodgy science - dan, 2020-12-01, 11:07
- Oxford AstraZeneca's dodgy science - dulan drift, 2020-11-29, 08:29
- Oxford AstraZeneca's dodgy science - dan, 2020-11-28, 15:52
- Oxford AstraZeneca's dodgy science - dan, 2020-11-28, 15:04
- Oxford AstraZeneca's dodgy science - dulan drift, 2020-11-28, 11:00
- Pfizer Vaccine - 90% effective? - dulan drift, 2020-11-10, 12:11
- Mutation in mink threatens vaccine efficacy - dulan drift, 2020-11-06, 06:29
- Vaccines problematic for old people - dulan drift, 2020-10-16, 08:26
- Vaccines problematic for old people - dan, 2020-10-14, 18:58
- Vaccines problematic for old people - dulan drift, 2020-10-14, 17:04
- Is Breast Milk the best vaccine? - dulan drift, 2020-09-29, 18:48
- Dodgy China vaccines - dan, 2020-09-27, 15:29
- Dodgy China vaccines - dulan drift, 2020-09-27, 07:26
- Message Management - dulan drift, 2020-09-25, 10:22
- Oxford Vaccine Problem - dulan drift, 2020-09-09, 18:37
- Oxford Vaccine Problem - dulan drift, 2020-09-09, 10:41
- Russia Vaccine - dulan drift, 2020-09-06, 21:16
- H1N1 Vaccine fail - dulan drift, 2020-09-03, 18:53
- Australia Vaccine - dulan drift, 2020-08-19, 18:50
- China Vaccine - dulan drift, 2020-08-15, 06:15
- Russia Vaccine - dulan drift, 2020-08-13, 06:18
- Russia Vaccine - dulan drift, 2020-08-11, 20:32
- The Vaccine Data War - dan, 2020-08-02, 12:04
- The Vaccine Data War - dulan drift, 2020-08-01, 08:03
- The Vaccine Data War - dan, 2020-07-31, 11:30
- The Vaccine Data War - dan, 2020-12-04, 19:27
- Testing on children - dulan drift, 2020-12-05, 07:36
- Vaccine trial participants test positive for HIV - dulan drift, 2020-12-11, 09:49
- Taiwan wary of vaccine effectiveness - dulan drift, 2020-12-11, 20:18
- Taiwan wary of vaccine effectiveness - dan, 2020-12-11, 20:26
- Taiwan wary of vaccine effectiveness - dulan drift, 2020-12-12, 06:58
- Taiwan wary of vaccine effectiveness - dan, 2020-12-11, 20:26
- Vaccine trial participants test positive for HIV - dan, 2020-12-11, 20:30
- Vaccine trial participants test positive for HIV - dulan drift, 2020-12-12, 06:43
- Vaccine war spying - dulan drift, 2020-12-15, 06:43
- UK Virus Mutation - dulan drift, 2020-12-22, 03:28
- UK Virus Mutation - dan, 2020-12-24, 19:34
- UK Virus Mutation - Compliance Measures - dulan drift, 2020-12-25, 18:09
- UK Virus Mutation - dulan drift, 2020-12-27, 05:44
- UK Virus Mutation - dan, 2020-12-27, 11:21
- UK/SA Virus Mutation - dulan drift, 2021-01-05, 06:26
- UK Virus Mutation - Australia - dulan drift, 2021-01-08, 17:27
- UK Virus Mutation - Australia - dan, 2021-01-09, 14:14
- Expert questions vaccine safety - dulan drift, 2021-01-10, 05:52
- Expert questions vaccine safety - dan, 2021-01-10, 06:40
- China Vaccine 50.4% Effective - dulan drift, 2021-01-14, 06:42
- China Vaccine 50.4% Effective - dan, 2021-01-14, 15:56
- Norway vaccine deaths - dulan drift, 2021-01-17, 10:03
- Norway vaccine deaths - dan, 2021-01-17, 11:13
- Multi-Vac Approach - dulan drift, 2021-01-19, 05:06
- Paul Kelly AstraZeneca Claim - dulan drift, 2021-01-19, 18:44
- The Australian Tennis Open - dulan drift, 2021-01-24, 06:28
- WHO report on Vaccine Safety for Elderly - dulan drift, 2021-01-26, 06:00
- Vaccine Effectiveness against new Variants - dulan drift, 2021-01-26, 06:36
- Vaccine Effectiveness against new Variants - dan, 2021-01-26, 15:27
- Warning about Vaccine Inflammation response in Elderly - dulan drift, 2021-01-30, 08:58
- WHO's vaccine guidance - dulan drift, 2021-01-31, 06:30
- Condom spray 99.99% effective at stopping Covid - dulan drift, 2021-02-04, 05:39
- France bans Astra-Zeneca for over 65's - dulan drift, 2021-02-04, 08:40
- France bans Astra-Zeneca for over 65's - dan, 2021-02-04, 15:05
- France bans Astra-Zeneca for over 65's - dulan drift, 2021-02-04, 08:40
- Condom spray 99.99% effective at stopping Covid - dulan drift, 2021-02-04, 05:39
- Warning about Vaccine Inflammation response in Elderly - dan, 2021-02-04, 15:16
- No Jab - No Job - dulan drift, 2021-02-06, 11:17
- No Jab - No Job - dan, 2021-02-06, 15:16
- Dealing with it Naturally - dulan drift, 2021-02-07, 06:36
- No Jab - No Job - dan, 2021-02-06, 15:16
- No Jab - No Job - dulan drift, 2021-02-06, 11:17
- WHO's vaccine guidance - dulan drift, 2021-01-31, 06:30
- Warning about Vaccine Inflammation response in Elderly - dulan drift, 2021-01-30, 08:58
- Vaccine Effectiveness against new Variants - dan, 2021-01-26, 15:27
- Vaccine Effectiveness against new Variants - dulan drift, 2021-01-26, 06:36
- WHO report on Vaccine Safety for Elderly - dulan drift, 2021-01-26, 06:00
- The Australian Tennis Open - dulan drift, 2021-01-24, 06:28
- Paul Kelly AstraZeneca Claim - dulan drift, 2021-01-19, 18:44
- Multi-Vac Approach - dulan drift, 2021-01-19, 05:06
- Norway vaccine deaths - dan, 2021-01-17, 11:13
- Norway vaccine deaths - dulan drift, 2021-01-17, 10:03
- China Vaccine 50.4% Effective - dan, 2021-01-14, 15:56
- China Vaccine 50.4% Effective - dulan drift, 2021-01-14, 06:42
- Expert questions vaccine safety - dan, 2021-01-10, 06:40
- Expert questions vaccine safety - dulan drift, 2021-01-10, 05:52
- UK Virus Mutation - Australia - dan, 2021-01-09, 14:14
- UK Virus Mutation - Australia - dulan drift, 2021-01-08, 17:27
- UK/SA Virus Mutation - dulan drift, 2021-01-05, 06:26
- UK Virus Mutation - dan, 2020-12-27, 11:21
- UK Virus Mutation - dulan drift, 2020-12-27, 05:44
- UK Virus Mutation - Compliance Measures - dulan drift, 2020-12-25, 18:09
- UK Virus Mutation - dan, 2020-12-24, 19:34
- UK Virus Mutation - dulan drift, 2020-12-22, 03:28
- Vaccine war spying - dulan drift, 2020-12-15, 06:43
- Vaccine trial participants test positive for HIV - dulan drift, 2020-12-12, 06:43
- Taiwan wary of vaccine effectiveness - dulan drift, 2020-12-11, 20:18
- Vaccine trial participants test positive for HIV - dulan drift, 2020-12-11, 09:49
- Testing on children - dulan drift, 2020-12-05, 07:36
- The Vaccine Data War - dan, 2020-07-31, 11:16
- Justin Huang's ill-fated comeback - dulan drift, 2020-06-20, 22:37
- Proximal Origins - the movie - Pt 1 - dulan drift, 2020-06-13, 18:22
- Proximal Origins - the movie - Pt 1 - dan, 2020-06-13, 19:53
- Proximal Origins - the movie - Pt 1 - dulan drift, 2020-06-14, 15:39
- Proximal Origins - the movie - Pt 2 - dulan drift, 2020-06-14, 16:07
- Proximal Origins - the movie - Pt 2 - dan, 2020-06-15, 16:25
- Proximal Origins - the movie - Pt 2 - dulan drift, 2020-06-15, 17:34
- Proximal Origins - Bat Lady - dulan drift, 2020-06-15, 17:45
- Proximal Origins - Bat Lady - dan, 2020-06-16, 15:47
- Proximal Origins - Bat Lady - dulan drift, 2020-06-16, 17:18
- Proximal Origins - Spitz Research - dulan drift, 2020-06-16, 17:28
- Proximal Origins - Uyghurs - dulan drift, 2020-06-17, 17:58
- Proximal Origins - Uyghurs 2 - dulan drift, 2020-06-17, 17:59
- Proximal Origins - Uyghurs - dulan drift, 2020-06-17, 17:58
- Proximal Origins - Spitz Research - dulan drift, 2020-06-16, 17:28
- Proximal Origins - Bat Lady - dulan drift, 2020-06-16, 17:18
- Proximal Origins - Bat Lady - dan, 2020-06-16, 15:47
- Proximal Origins - Bat Lady - dulan drift, 2020-06-15, 17:45
- Proximal Origins - the movie - Pt 2 - dulan drift, 2020-06-15, 17:34
- Proximal Origins - the movie - Pt 2 - dan, 2020-06-15, 16:25
- Proximal Origins - the movie - Pt 2 - dulan drift, 2020-06-14, 16:07
- Proximal Origins - the movie - Pt 1 - dulan drift, 2020-06-14, 15:39
- Proximal Origins - the movie - Pt 1 - dan, 2020-06-13, 19:53
- Reddit AskScience - dan, 2020-06-03, 15:48
- Reddit AskScience - dulan drift, 2020-06-03, 16:28
- Chinese Influence over Scientific Experts - dulan drift, 2020-05-18, 10:10
- Edward C. Holmes: University of Sydney - dulan drift, 2020-05-18, 11:27
- W. Ian Lipkin: Columbia University - dulan drift, 2020-05-18, 12:38
- Andrew Rambaut: University of Edinburgh - dulan drift, 2020-05-18, 13:57
- Kristian G. Andersen: Scripps - dulan drift, 2020-05-18, 14:23
- Chinese Influence over Scientific Experts - dan, 2020-05-18, 18:51
- Kristian G. Andersen: Scripps-2 - dulan drift, 2020-06-03, 16:17
- Kristian G. Andersen: Scripps-2 - dan, 2020-06-03, 16:40
- Kristian G. Andersen: Scripps-2 - dulan drift, 2020-06-03, 20:39
- Kristian G. Andersen: Scripps-2 - dulan drift, 2020-06-07, 18:24
- Kristian G. Andersen: Scripps-2 - dulan drift, 2020-06-03, 20:39
- Kristian G. Andersen: Scripps-2 - dan, 2020-06-03, 16:40
- Kristian G. Andersen: Scripps - dulan drift, 2020-05-18, 14:23
- Chinese Influence over Scientific Experts - dan, 2020-05-18, 18:46
- Chinese Influence over Scientific Experts - dulan drift, 2020-05-19, 07:36
- W. Ian Lipkin: Columbia University - 2 - dulan drift, 2020-05-30, 13:18
- W. Ian Lipkin: Columbia University - 3 - dulan drift, 2020-09-10, 07:12
- Andrew Rambaut: University of Edinburgh - dulan drift, 2020-05-18, 13:57
- W. Ian Lipkin: Columbia University - dulan drift, 2020-05-18, 12:38
- Chinese Influence over Scientific Experts - dan, 2020-05-18, 18:58
- Chinese Influence over Scientific Experts - dulan drift, 2020-05-19, 07:08
- Robert F. Garry: Zalgen - dulan drift, 2020-05-19, 07:26
- Chinese Influence over Scientific Experts - dan, 2020-05-19, 16:23
- Chinese Influence over Scientific Experts - dan, 2020-05-19, 16:09
- Chinese Influence over Scientific Experts - dulan drift, 2020-05-19, 17:53
- Chinese Influence over Scientific Experts - dan, 2020-05-20, 15:36
- The Theories - dulan drift, 2020-05-21, 09:20
- The Strawman - dulan drift, 2020-05-21, 09:24
- The Crux of the Paper - dulan drift, 2020-05-21, 09:53
- Pangolin - dulan drift, 2020-05-21, 15:08
- The Crux of the Paper - dulan drift, 2020-05-21, 09:53
- The Strawman - dulan drift, 2020-05-21, 09:24
- Chinese Influence over Scientific Experts - dulan drift, 2020-05-21, 21:38
- Batwoman - dulan drift, 2020-05-26, 15:05
- Batwoman 2 - dulan drift, 2020-05-26, 15:19
- Batwoman 3 - dulan drift, 2020-05-26, 15:51
- Batwoman 3 - dan, 2020-05-27, 16:03
- Batwoman 3 - dan, 2020-05-27, 19:12
- Batwoman 3 - dulan drift, 2020-05-26, 15:51
- Batwoman 2 - dulan drift, 2020-05-26, 15:19
- Batwoman - dulan drift, 2020-05-26, 15:05
- Event 201 - dulan drift, 2020-05-26, 18:04
- Remdesivir - dulan drift, 2020-05-27, 11:20
- Remdesivir - dan, 2020-05-27, 20:05
- Remdesivir - dulan drift, 2020-05-27, 11:20
- The Theories - dulan drift, 2020-05-21, 09:20
- Chinese Influence over Scientific Experts - dan, 2020-05-20, 15:36
- Chinese Influence over Scientific Experts - dulan drift, 2020-05-19, 17:53
- Robert F. Garry: Zalgen - dulan drift, 2020-05-19, 07:26
- Chinese Influence over Scientific Experts - dulan drift, 2020-05-19, 07:08
- Plandemic - dan, 2020-05-27, 16:15
- Chinese Influence over Scientific Experts - dan, 2020-09-29, 18:56
- Chinese Influence over Scientific Experts - dulan drift, 2020-09-30, 18:55
- FOI release - Origin Authors thought it was engineered - dulan drift, 2021-06-03, 22:39
- FOI release - Origin Authors knew it was engineered! - dan, 2021-06-04, 06:04
- FOI release - Origin Authors knew it was engineered! - dan, 2021-06-04, 06:21
- DRASTIC - dulan drift, 2021-06-04, 07:27
- FOI release - Origin Authors knew it was engineered! - dan, 2021-06-04, 06:21
- FOI release - Origin Authors knew it was engineered! - dan, 2021-06-04, 07:54
- FOI release - Origin Authors knew it was engineered! - dulan drift, 2021-06-05, 07:49
- Ralph Baric - insider? - dulan drift, 2021-06-05, 18:27
- Ralph Baric - insider? - dan, 2021-06-05, 19:58
- Ralph Baric - insider? - dan, 2021-06-05, 20:07
- Ralph Baric - insider? - dan, 2021-06-05, 20:13
- Ralph Baric - insider? - dan, 2021-06-05, 20:39
- Redacted stuff - Daszak - dulan drift, 2021-06-06, 07:32
- DRASTIC makes Global Times - dulan drift, 2021-09-01, 12:15
- DRASTIC makes Newsweek - dan, 2022-01-05, 05:37
- DRASTIC makes Newsweek - dulan drift, 2022-01-05, 06:37
- DRASTIC makes Newsweek - dan, 2022-01-05, 05:37
- DRASTIC makes Global Times - dulan drift, 2021-09-01, 12:15
- Redacted stuff - Daszak - dulan drift, 2021-06-06, 07:32
- Ralph Baric - insider? - dan, 2021-06-05, 20:39
- Ralph Baric - insider? - dan, 2021-06-05, 20:13
- Ralph Baric - insider? - dulan drift, 2021-06-05, 18:27
- FOI release - Origin Authors knew it was engineered! - dulan drift, 2021-06-05, 07:49
- FOI release - Origin Authors knew it was engineered! - dan, 2021-06-04, 06:04
- FOI release - Origin Authors thought it was engineered - dulan drift, 2021-06-03, 22:39
- Chinese Influence over Scientific Experts - dulan drift, 2020-09-30, 18:55
- Edward C. Holmes: University of Sydney - dulan drift, 2020-05-18, 11:27
- Depressing headlines - dan, 2020-05-06, 05:50
- Depressing headlines - dulan drift, 2020-05-06, 06:45
- Depressing headlines - dan, 2020-05-06, 07:36
- Depressing headlines - dulan drift, 2020-05-06, 18:57
- Depressing headlines - dulan drift, 2020-05-07, 18:38
- Depressing headlines - dan, 2020-05-07, 20:03
- Depressing headlines - dulan drift, 2020-05-10, 18:00
- Depressing headlines - dan, 2020-05-14, 15:28
- Wayne Carey - Legend - dulan drift, 2022-09-13, 17:30
- Depressing headlines - dan, 2020-05-14, 15:28
- Depressing headlines - dulan drift, 2020-05-10, 18:00
- Depressing headlines - dan, 2020-05-07, 20:03
- Depressing headlines - dulan drift, 2020-05-07, 18:38
- Depressing headlines - dulan drift, 2020-05-06, 18:57
- Depressing headlines - dan, 2020-05-06, 07:36
- Depressing headlines - dulan drift, 2020-05-06, 06:45
- Where's the Money come from? - dulan drift, 2020-05-01, 07:20
- Where's the Money come from? - dan, 2020-05-01, 16:04
- Where's the Money come from? - dan, 2020-05-01, 16:25
- Where's the Money come from? - dulan drift, 2020-05-02, 11:54
- Where's the Money come from? - dan, 2020-05-02, 14:57
- Where's the Money come from? - dulan drift, 2020-05-03, 08:23
- Where's the Money come from? - dan, 2020-05-04, 15:42
- Where's the Money come from? - dan, 2020-05-06, 07:30
- Where's the Money come from? - dulan drift, 2020-05-06, 19:11
- Where's the Money come from? - dulan drift, 2020-05-12, 18:25
- Where's the Money come from? - dan, 2020-05-13, 18:47
- Printing money - dulan drift, 2020-11-28, 18:55
- Printing money - dan, 2020-11-28, 19:51
- Printing money - stock market surge - dulan drift, 2021-01-09, 05:43
- Printing money - stock market surge - dan, 2021-01-09, 14:47
- Printing money - stock market surge - dulan drift, 2021-01-10, 06:25
- Printing money - stock market surge - dan, 2021-01-10, 06:54
- Printing money - stock market surge - dulan drift, 2021-01-11, 06:10
- Printing money - stock market surge - dan, 2021-01-14, 16:06
- Printing money - stock market surge - dulan drift, 2021-01-11, 06:10
- Printing money - stock market surge - dan, 2021-01-10, 06:54
- Printing money - stock market surge - dan, 2021-01-10, 11:55
- Printing money - stock market surge - dulan drift, 2021-01-10, 17:59
- Printing money - stock market surge - dulan drift, 2021-01-11, 18:33
- Reddit Vs Big Hedge Funds - dulan drift, 2021-01-28, 10:49
- Reddit Vs Big Hedge Funds - dan, 2021-01-28, 15:13
- 6 Trillion in Economic Stimulus for US - dulan drift, 2021-02-06, 11:33
- Bad News causes Stock Market Record - dulan drift, 2021-02-08, 19:52
- Bad News causes Stock Market Record - dan, 2021-02-12, 17:59
- Building supplies shortage - dulan drift, 2021-08-03, 18:55
- Building supplies shortage - dan, 2021-08-05, 20:00
- The beginning of the end? - dulan drift, 2021-08-22, 07:05
- The beginning of the end? - dan, 2021-08-27, 16:38
- Buy Now Pay Later - dulan drift, 2021-09-08, 18:14
- Inflation - dulan drift, 2021-11-06, 06:33
- Inflation - dan, 2021-11-06, 07:43
- Inflation - Turkey - dulan drift, 2021-12-27, 19:02
- Labor Shortage - dulan drift, 2022-01-13, 18:58
- Where's the money going? - dulan drift, 2022-01-18, 09:23
- Sri Lanka collapse - dulan drift, 2022-06-26, 18:10
- Sri Lanka collapse - dan, 2022-06-26, 19:23
- Where's the money going? - dan, 2022-06-26, 19:41
- Where's the money going? - dulan drift, 2022-06-27, 18:45
- Where's the money going? - dan, 2022-06-27, 19:07
- Where's the money going? - dan, 2022-06-27, 19:18
- Where's the money going? - dan, 2022-06-27, 19:49
- Belt tightening - dulan drift, 2022-07-16, 06:59
- Belt tightening - dan, 2022-07-16, 19:35
- Record Corporate Profits - dulan drift, 2022-09-23, 06:51
- Record Corporate Profits - dan, 2022-09-23, 15:29
- Record Corporate Profits - dulan drift, 2022-09-24, 06:52
- Energy prices skyrocket - dulan drift, 2022-10-13, 06:23
- Winners & Losers - dulan drift, 2022-10-27, 05:59
- Energy prices skyrocket - dulan drift, 2022-10-13, 06:23
- Record Corporate Profits - dulan drift, 2022-09-24, 06:52
- Record Corporate Profits - dan, 2022-09-23, 15:29
- Record Corporate Profits - dulan drift, 2022-09-23, 06:51
- Belt tightening - dan, 2022-07-16, 19:35
- Belt tightening - dulan drift, 2022-07-16, 06:59
- Where's the money going? - dan, 2022-06-27, 19:07
- Where's the money going? - dulan drift, 2022-06-27, 18:45
- Sri Lanka collapse - dulan drift, 2022-06-26, 18:10
- Where's the money going? - dulan drift, 2022-01-18, 09:23
- Labor Shortage - dulan drift, 2022-01-13, 18:58
- Inflation - Turkey - dulan drift, 2021-12-27, 19:02
- Inflation - dan, 2021-11-06, 07:43
- Inflation - dulan drift, 2021-11-06, 06:33
- Buy Now Pay Later - dulan drift, 2021-09-08, 18:14
- The beginning of the end? - dan, 2021-08-27, 16:38
- The beginning of the end? - dulan drift, 2021-08-22, 07:05
- Building supplies shortage - dan, 2021-08-05, 20:00
- Building supplies shortage - dulan drift, 2021-08-03, 18:55
- Bad News causes Stock Market Record - dan, 2021-02-12, 17:59
- Bad News causes Stock Market Record - dulan drift, 2021-02-08, 19:52
- 6 Trillion in Economic Stimulus for US - dulan drift, 2021-02-06, 11:33
- Reddit Vs Big Hedge Funds - dan, 2021-01-28, 15:13
- Reddit Vs Big Hedge Funds - dulan drift, 2021-01-28, 10:49
- Printing money - stock market surge - dulan drift, 2021-01-11, 18:33
- Printing money - stock market surge - dulan drift, 2021-01-10, 17:59
- Printing money - stock market surge - dulan drift, 2021-01-10, 06:25
- Printing money - stock market surge - dan, 2021-01-09, 14:47
- Printing money - stock market surge - dulan drift, 2021-01-09, 05:43
- Printing money - dan, 2020-11-28, 19:51
- Printing money - dulan drift, 2020-11-28, 18:55
- Where's the Money come from? - dan, 2020-05-13, 18:47
- Where's the Money come from? - dulan drift, 2020-05-12, 18:25
- Where's the Money come from? - dulan drift, 2020-05-06, 19:11
- Where's the Money come from? - dan, 2020-05-06, 07:30
- Where's the Money come from? - dan, 2020-05-04, 15:42
- Where's the Money come from? - dulan drift, 2020-05-03, 08:23
- Where's the Money come from? - dan, 2020-05-02, 14:57
- Where's the Money come from? - dan, 2022-10-25, 17:27
- Where's the Money come from? - dan, 2020-05-01, 16:04
- Alternative Explanations for Geologic Formations - dan, 2020-04-27, 15:52
- Alternative Explanations for Geologic Formations - dulan drift, 2020-04-28, 12:15
- Alternative Explanations for Geologic Formations - dan, 2020-04-28, 15:14
- Alternative Explanations for Geologic Formations - dulan drift, 2020-04-28, 12:15
- Hysteria 2020 - dulan drift, 2020-04-27, 08:43
- Hysteria 2020 - dan, 2020-04-28, 15:10
- Hysteria 2020 - dulan drift, 2020-04-29, 08:19
- Hysteria 2020 - dulan drift, 2020-05-03, 19:25
- Hysteria 2020 - dan, 2020-05-04, 15:41
- Hysteria 2020 - dulan drift, 2020-05-04, 19:30
- Hysteria 2020 - dan, 2020-05-04, 19:29
- Hysteria 2020 - dan, 2020-05-04, 15:41
- Hysteria 2020 - dulan drift, 2020-05-03, 19:25
- Hysteria 2020 - dulan drift, 2020-04-29, 08:19
- Hysteria 2020 - dan, 2020-04-28, 15:10
- Who's Who in WHO - dulan drift, 2020-04-23, 18:46
- WHO's international funding - dulan drift, 2020-04-25, 08:10
- Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus - Cover-up of Cholera outbreak - dulan drift, 2020-04-28, 18:55
- Who's Who in WHO - dan, 2020-04-28, 19:11
- Who's Who in WHO - Who Profits? - dulan drift, 2020-04-29, 07:40
- China supports WHO Investigation - dulan drift, 2020-05-08, 18:21
- Who's Who in WHO - dan, 2020-05-08, 19:38
- Chinese Influence over Academia - Lancet Petition - dulan drift, 2020-05-09, 09:03
- Who's Who in WHO - dan, 2020-05-13, 18:55
- Chinese Influence over Academics - Chinese students - dulan drift, 2020-05-16, 10:50
- Who's Who in WHO - Investigation - dulan drift, 2020-07-17, 08:53
- Who's Who in WHO - Peter Daszak - dulan drift, 2020-07-17, 09:12
- WHO members accused of sexual assault - dulan drift, 2020-09-30, 08:26
- WHO blocks the word 'Taiwan' on it's FB page - dulan drift, 2020-11-14, 12:48
- Sham WHO-CCP investigation into Covid Origins - dulan drift, 2020-11-15, 10:01
- Sham WHO-CCP investigation into Covid Origins - dan, 2020-11-15, 16:14
- Sham WHO-CCP investigation into Covid Origins - dulan drift, 2020-11-15, 20:44
- Names released of WHO Investigation Team - dulan drift, 2020-12-18, 12:58
- Sham WHO-CCP investigation into Covid Origins - dan, 2020-12-18, 16:05
- Peter Daszak - WHO-CCP investigation into Covid - dulan drift, 2020-12-19, 14:54
- Peter Daszak - EcoHealth Alliance - dulan drift, 2020-12-20, 09:18
- Peter Daszak - Guardian Article - dulan drift, 2020-12-22, 09:01
- China delays WHO team arrival - dulan drift, 2020-12-22, 12:24
- Dominic Dwyer - WHO Investigator - dulan drift, 2020-12-26, 15:07
- Fabian Leendertz - WHO Investigator - dulan drift, 2020-12-28, 09:35
- WHO forces Radiographers Society to delete Taiwan name - dulan drift, 2021-01-14, 19:05
- Dr. Peter K. Ben Embarek - Team Leader - dulan drift, 2021-01-15, 05:55
- Thea Fischer - dulan drift, 2021-01-15, 06:31
- Tedros Sings China's Praises - dulan drift, 2021-01-15, 07:41
- Thea Fischer - dan, 2021-01-15, 19:28
- Faith in Scientists - dulan drift, 2021-01-16, 07:03
- Biden Rejoins Who - dulan drift, 2021-02-01, 07:05
- WHO Investigators visit Wet Market - dulan drift, 2021-02-01, 11:18
- Marion Koopmans - dulan drift, 2021-02-05, 05:39
- WHO dismisses Lab Leak (and even Wuhan) as origin - dulan drift, 2021-02-10, 05:29
- WHO dismisses Lab Leak (and even Wuhan) as origin - dan, 2021-02-12, 18:12
- WHO dismisses Lab Leak (and even Wuhan) as origin - dulan drift, 2021-02-13, 20:34
- Dominic Dwyer - Cold Chain Hypothesis - dulan drift, 2021-03-09, 17:16
- Dominic Dwyer - Lab Escape Extremely Unlikely - dulan drift, 2021-03-09, 18:38
- Ben Embarek wins Science Award - from China - dulan drift, 2021-03-10, 07:19
- Marion Koopmans admits WIV workers had flu-like illness - dulan drift, 2021-03-13, 07:43
- Marion Koopmans-Daszak deny lab link - dulan drift, 2021-03-14, 07:38
- Tedros appointed Mugabe as WHO goodwill ambassador - dulan drift, 2021-04-02, 06:31
- WHO rejects Taiwan participation at WHA - again - dulan drift, 2021-05-16, 10:54
- WHO rejects Taiwan participation at WHA - again - dan, 2021-05-16, 19:08
- WHO rejects Taiwan participation at WHA - again - dulan drift, 2021-05-18, 07:30
- Taking the politics out - dulan drift, 2021-05-30, 13:11
- Taking the politics out - dan, 2021-05-30, 14:35
- Taking the politics out - dulan drift, 2021-05-30, 16:22
- Taking the politics out - dan, 2021-05-30, 16:38
- Taking the politics out - dulan drift, 2021-05-31, 13:06
- WHO sexual abuse in Congo Ebola outbreak - dulan drift, 2021-09-29, 09:51
- Tedros unopposed for second term - dulan drift, 2021-10-30, 05:28
- WHO bans Taiwanese journalists - dulan drift, 2022-05-28, 10:26
- WHO bans Taiwanese journalists - dan, 2022-05-29, 15:20
- WHO bans Taiwanese journalists - dulan drift, 2022-05-29, 17:54
- WHO bans Taiwanese journalists - dan, 2022-06-03, 20:09
- WHO: Covid is Over - dulan drift, 2023-06-04, 16:50
- Ventilation Machines - dulan drift, 2023-06-09, 07:37
- WHO: Covid is Over - dulan drift, 2023-06-04, 16:50
- WHO bans Taiwanese journalists - dan, 2022-06-03, 20:09
- WHO bans Taiwanese journalists - dulan drift, 2022-05-29, 17:54
- WHO bans Taiwanese journalists - dan, 2022-05-29, 15:20
- WHO bans Taiwanese journalists - dulan drift, 2022-05-28, 10:26
- Tedros unopposed for second term - dulan drift, 2021-10-30, 05:28
- WHO sexual abuse in Congo Ebola outbreak - dulan drift, 2021-09-29, 09:51
- Taking the politics out - dulan drift, 2021-05-31, 13:06
- Taking the politics out - dan, 2021-05-30, 16:38
- Taking the politics out - dulan drift, 2021-05-30, 16:22
- Taking the politics out - dan, 2021-05-30, 14:35
- Taking the politics out - dulan drift, 2021-05-30, 13:11
- WHO rejects Taiwan participation at WHA - again - dulan drift, 2021-05-18, 07:30
- WHO rejects Taiwan participation at WHA - again - dan, 2021-05-16, 19:08
- WHO rejects Taiwan participation at WHA - again - dulan drift, 2021-05-16, 10:54
- Tedros appointed Mugabe as WHO goodwill ambassador - dulan drift, 2021-04-02, 06:31
- Marion Koopmans-Daszak deny lab link - dulan drift, 2021-03-14, 07:38
- Marion Koopmans admits WIV workers had flu-like illness - dulan drift, 2021-03-13, 07:43
- Ben Embarek wins Science Award - from China - dulan drift, 2021-03-10, 07:19
- Dominic Dwyer - Lab Escape Extremely Unlikely - dulan drift, 2021-03-09, 18:38
- Dominic Dwyer - Cold Chain Hypothesis - dulan drift, 2021-03-09, 17:16
- WHO dismisses Lab Leak (and even Wuhan) as origin - dulan drift, 2021-02-13, 20:34
- WHO dismisses Lab Leak (and even Wuhan) as origin - dan, 2021-02-12, 18:12
- WHO dismisses Lab Leak (and even Wuhan) as origin - dulan drift, 2021-02-10, 05:29
- Marion Koopmans - dulan drift, 2021-02-05, 05:39
- WHO Investigators visit Wet Market - dulan drift, 2021-02-01, 11:18
- Biden Rejoins Who - dulan drift, 2021-02-01, 07:05
- Faith in Scientists - dulan drift, 2021-01-16, 07:03
- Thea Fischer - dulan drift, 2021-01-15, 06:31
- Dr. Peter K. Ben Embarek - Team Leader - dulan drift, 2021-01-15, 05:55
- WHO forces Radiographers Society to delete Taiwan name - dulan drift, 2021-01-14, 19:05
- Fabian Leendertz - WHO Investigator - dulan drift, 2020-12-28, 09:35
- Dominic Dwyer - WHO Investigator - dulan drift, 2020-12-26, 15:07
- China delays WHO team arrival - dulan drift, 2020-12-22, 12:24
- Peter Daszak - Guardian Article - dulan drift, 2020-12-22, 09:01
- Peter Daszak - EcoHealth Alliance - dulan drift, 2020-12-20, 09:18
- Peter Daszak - WHO-CCP investigation into Covid - dulan drift, 2020-12-19, 14:54
- Sham WHO-CCP investigation into Covid Origins - dan, 2020-12-18, 16:05
- Names released of WHO Investigation Team - dulan drift, 2020-12-18, 12:58
- Sham WHO-CCP investigation into Covid Origins - dulan drift, 2020-11-15, 20:44
- Sham WHO-CCP investigation into Covid Origins - dan, 2020-11-15, 16:14
- Sham WHO-CCP investigation into Covid Origins - dulan drift, 2020-11-15, 10:01
- WHO blocks the word 'Taiwan' on it's FB page - dulan drift, 2020-11-14, 12:48
- WHO members accused of sexual assault - dulan drift, 2020-09-30, 08:26
- Who's Who in WHO - Peter Daszak - dulan drift, 2020-07-17, 09:12
- Who's Who in WHO - Investigation - dulan drift, 2020-07-17, 08:53
- Chinese Influence over Academics - Chinese students - dulan drift, 2020-05-16, 10:50
- Who's Who in WHO - dan, 2020-05-13, 18:55
- Chinese Influence over Academia - Lancet Petition - dulan drift, 2020-05-09, 09:03
- Who's Who in WHO - dan, 2020-05-08, 19:38
- China supports WHO Investigation - dulan drift, 2020-05-08, 18:21
- Who's Who in WHO - Who Profits? - dulan drift, 2020-04-29, 07:40
- Who's Who in WHO - dan, 2020-04-28, 19:11
- Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus - Cover-up of Cholera outbreak - dulan drift, 2020-04-28, 18:55
- WHO's international funding - dulan drift, 2020-04-25, 08:10
- The Data War - dulan drift, 2020-04-16, 18:52
- The Data War - dan, 2020-04-17, 06:13
- The Data War - dulan drift, 2020-04-17, 11:27
- The Data War - dan, 2020-04-17, 19:41
- The Data War - dulan drift, 2020-04-20, 11:12
- HK activists arrested - barred from election - dulan drift, 2020-04-21, 07:25
- The Data War - dan, 2020-04-21, 16:09
- The Data War - dan, 2020-04-22, 07:13
- The Data War - dulan drift, 2020-04-22, 09:15
- Youtube removes doctors questioning lockdown - dulan drift, 2020-04-29, 11:38
- The Data War - dan, 2020-04-29, 16:19
- The Data War - dan, 2020-04-30, 14:33
- FB removing lanti-lockdown pages - dulan drift, 2020-05-01, 07:01
- Covid-Safe app - dulan drift, 2020-05-05, 18:42
- Cyber-attack Taiwan Health Service - dulan drift, 2020-05-07, 08:58
- The Data War - dan, 2020-05-14, 15:40
- Youtube censors content critical of CCP - dulan drift, 2020-05-27, 18:37
- The Data War - dan, 2020-05-27, 19:56
- Zoom cancels HK protesters accounts - dulan drift, 2020-06-12, 22:46
- Norway suspends tracing app - dulan drift, 2020-06-16, 06:46
- HK National Security Law - dulan drift, 2020-06-18, 10:31
- The Data War - dan, 2020-06-18, 11:26
- Qatar phone tracing app dystopia - dulan drift, 2020-06-19, 06:13
- Cyber-attack Australia - dulan drift, 2020-06-19, 13:29
- The Data War - dan, 2020-06-19, 17:00
- Biometric surveillance Duke Uni - dulan drift, 2020-06-20, 22:13
- Zoom - facial recognition - dulan drift, 2020-06-22, 11:54
- CCP GPS satellite network - dulan drift, 2020-06-23, 18:30
- HK brainwashing system - dulan drift, 2020-07-05, 05:39
- The Data War - dan, 2020-07-05, 06:23
- HK Xinjiang simultaneous lockdown - dulan drift, 2020-07-20, 14:38
- The Data War - dan, 2020-07-20, 16:29
- HK Xinjiang simultaneous lockdown - dulan drift, 2020-07-21, 18:55
- The Data War - dan, 2020-07-21, 20:12
- The Data War - dulan drift, 2020-07-23, 16:27
- The Data War - dan, 2020-07-25, 16:48
- The Data War - dan, 2020-07-31, 19:26
- The Data War - dulan drift, 2020-08-01, 07:22
- Excessive testing in HK - dulan drift, 2020-08-03, 11:37
- The Data War - dan, 2020-08-03, 15:09
- Vic State of Disaster - dulan drift, 2020-08-03, 18:46
- Google in China - dulan drift, 2020-08-04, 07:01
- Google in China - dan, 2020-08-04, 07:29
- AI Developments - dulan drift, 2020-08-04, 13:04
- AI Developments - dan, 2020-08-04, 14:15
- AI Developments - dulan drift, 2020-08-04, 17:00
- WeChat - dulan drift, 2020-08-07, 10:46
- WeChat - dan, 2020-08-07, 20:09
- Jimmy Lai - dulan drift, 2020-08-10, 12:50
- Jimmy Lai - dan, 2020-08-10, 15:41
- Google Drive outage - dulan drift, 2020-08-20, 16:54
- Xin Jiang lockdown - dulan drift, 2020-08-25, 08:24
- NZ Stock Exchange Cyber-attack - dulan drift, 2020-08-28, 18:52
- NZ Stock Exchange Cyber-attack - dan, 2020-08-28, 19:24
- NZ Stock Exchange Cyber-attack - dan, 2020-08-28, 19:36
- NZ Stock Exchange Cyber-attack - dulan drift, 2020-08-29, 18:30
- Internet outage across several countries - dulan drift, 2020-08-31, 18:45
- Mass DNA gathering exercise in HK? - dulan drift, 2020-09-01, 14:38
- Internet outage - due to burning ghost money - dulan drift, 2020-09-04, 06:12
- HK police tackle school girl to ground - dulan drift, 2020-09-07, 20:36
- HK police tackle school girl to ground - dan, 2020-09-08, 14:46
- China Data Grab - dulan drift, 2020-09-14, 07:00
- Japan Stock Exchange shut down - dulan drift, 2020-10-01, 12:22
- Japan Stock Exchange shut down - dan, 2020-10-01, 19:23
- Mumbai power outage - dulan drift, 2020-10-13, 05:57
- Russian hack on Norway parliament - dulan drift, 2020-10-14, 05:52
- Hunter Biden Story Censorship - dulan drift, 2020-10-31, 15:54
- Hunter Biden Story Censorship - dan, 2020-10-31, 18:39
- Hunter Biden Story Censorship - dulan drift, 2020-11-01, 07:59
- Hunter Biden Story Censorship - dulan drift, 2020-11-01, 10:17
- Hunter Biden Story Censorship - dan, 2020-11-10, 15:48
- Hunter Biden Story Censorship - dan, 2020-11-10, 15:51
- Media - dulan drift, 2020-11-12, 09:50
- China reins in big internet companies - dulan drift, 2020-11-12, 09:58
- Chinese Citizen Journalist Zhang Zhan faces 5-years jail - dulan drift, 2020-11-17, 18:32
- Chinese Citizen Journalist Zhang Zhan faces 5-years jail - dan, 2020-11-17, 18:53
- SARS-2 in Italian sewerage - dulan drift, 2020-11-20, 14:16
- SARS-2 in Italian sewerage - dan, 2020-11-20, 19:32
- SARS-2 as biological warfare - dulan drift, 2020-11-22, 07:44
- Cyber war impunity - dulan drift, 2020-11-22, 18:54
- Cyber war impunity - dan, 2020-11-23, 15:54
- QR-Code - Xi wants International Health Surveillance QR code - dulan drift, 2020-11-23, 18:53
- Cyber war impunity - dulan drift, 2020-11-24, 08:30
- QR-code for DNA surveillance - dulan drift, 2020-12-03, 04:44
- DNA surveillance - dulan drift, 2020-12-03, 04:50
- Palantir Technologies - dulan drift, 2020-12-03, 04:57
- Jimmy Lai & Joshua Wong jailed - dulan drift, 2020-12-04, 17:41
- Manipulated weather war? - dulan drift, 2020-12-04, 18:03
- DNA collection - dulan drift, 2020-12-05, 10:45
- Xin Jiang - Integrated Joint Operations Platform - dulan drift, 2020-12-10, 13:20
- Sunburst Cyber-attack - dulan drift, 2021-01-13, 06:47
- Splintering of the Internet - dulan drift, 2021-01-21, 18:27
- Splintering of the Internet - dan, 2021-01-21, 18:40
- Splintering of the Internet - dulan drift, 2021-01-22, 10:42
- Splintering of the Internet - dan, 2021-01-22, 19:38
- Splintering of the Internet - dan, 2021-01-22, 20:00
- Splintering of the Internet - dulan drift, 2021-01-24, 05:39
- Surveillance up your Arse in China - dulan drift, 2021-01-28, 06:32
- Surveillance up your Arse in China - dan, 2021-01-28, 15:07
- Surveillance up your Arse in China - dulan drift, 2021-01-29, 15:54
- Hong Kong Student Indoctrination - dulan drift, 2021-02-06, 06:33
- Hong Kong Student Indoctrination - dan, 2021-02-06, 15:31
- Hong Kong Student Indoctrination - dulan drift, 2021-02-07, 12:38
- Hong Kong Student Indoctrination - dan, 2021-02-06, 15:31
- Hong Kong Student Indoctrination - dulan drift, 2021-02-06, 06:33
- Surveillance up your Arse in China - dulan drift, 2021-01-29, 15:54
- Surveillance up your Arse in China - dan, 2021-01-28, 15:07
- Surveillance up your Arse in China - dulan drift, 2021-01-28, 06:32
- Splintering of the Internet - dulan drift, 2021-01-24, 05:39
- Splintering of the Internet - dan, 2021-01-22, 20:00
- Splintering of the Internet - dan, 2021-01-22, 19:38
- Splintering of the Internet - dulan drift, 2021-01-22, 10:42
- Splintering of the Internet - dan, 2021-01-21, 18:40
- Splintering of the Internet - dulan drift, 2021-01-21, 18:27
- Sunburst Cyber-attack - dulan drift, 2021-01-13, 06:47
- Xin Jiang - Integrated Joint Operations Platform - dulan drift, 2020-12-10, 13:20
- DNA collection - dulan drift, 2020-12-05, 10:45
- Manipulated weather war? - dulan drift, 2020-12-04, 18:03
- Jimmy Lai & Joshua Wong jailed - dulan drift, 2020-12-04, 17:41
- Palantir Technologies - dulan drift, 2020-12-03, 04:57
- DNA surveillance - dulan drift, 2020-12-03, 04:50
- QR-code for DNA surveillance - dulan drift, 2020-12-03, 04:44
- Cyber war impunity - dulan drift, 2020-11-24, 08:30
- QR-Code - Xi wants International Health Surveillance QR code - dulan drift, 2020-11-23, 18:53
- Cyber war impunity - dan, 2020-11-23, 15:54
- Cyber war impunity - dulan drift, 2020-11-22, 18:54
- SARS-2 as biological warfare - dulan drift, 2020-11-22, 07:44
- SARS-2 in Italian sewerage - dan, 2020-11-20, 19:32
- SARS-2 in Italian sewerage - dulan drift, 2020-11-20, 14:16
- Chinese Citizen Journalist Zhang Zhan faces 5-years jail - dan, 2020-11-17, 18:53
- Chinese Citizen Journalist Zhang Zhan faces 5-years jail - dulan drift, 2020-11-17, 18:32
- China reins in big internet companies - dulan drift, 2020-11-12, 09:58
- Hunter Biden Story Censorship - dan, 2020-11-10, 15:48
- Hunter Biden Story Censorship - dulan drift, 2020-11-01, 10:17
- Hunter Biden Story Censorship - dulan drift, 2020-11-01, 07:59
- Hunter Biden Story Censorship - dan, 2020-10-31, 18:39
- Hunter Biden Story Censorship - dulan drift, 2020-10-31, 15:54
- Russian hack on Norway parliament - dulan drift, 2020-10-14, 05:52
- Mumbai power outage - dulan drift, 2020-10-13, 05:57
- Japan Stock Exchange shut down - dan, 2020-10-01, 19:23
- Japan Stock Exchange shut down - dulan drift, 2020-10-01, 12:22
- China Data Grab - dulan drift, 2020-09-14, 07:00
- HK police tackle school girl to ground - dan, 2020-09-08, 14:46
- HK police tackle school girl to ground - dulan drift, 2020-09-07, 20:36
- Internet outage - due to burning ghost money - dulan drift, 2020-09-04, 06:12
- Mass DNA gathering exercise in HK? - dulan drift, 2020-09-01, 14:38
- Internet outage across several countries - dulan drift, 2020-08-31, 18:45
- NZ Stock Exchange Cyber-attack - dulan drift, 2020-08-29, 18:30
- NZ Stock Exchange Cyber-attack - dan, 2020-08-28, 19:36
- NZ Stock Exchange Cyber-attack - dan, 2020-08-28, 19:24
- NZ Stock Exchange Cyber-attack - dulan drift, 2020-08-28, 18:52
- Xin Jiang lockdown - dulan drift, 2020-08-25, 08:24
- Google Drive outage - dulan drift, 2020-08-20, 16:54
- Jimmy Lai - dan, 2020-08-10, 15:41
- Jimmy Lai - dulan drift, 2020-08-10, 12:50
- WeChat - dan, 2020-08-07, 20:09
- WeChat - dulan drift, 2020-08-07, 10:46
- AI Developments - dulan drift, 2020-08-04, 17:00
- AI Developments - dan, 2020-08-04, 14:15
- AI Developments - dulan drift, 2020-08-04, 13:04
- Google in China - dan, 2020-08-04, 07:29
- Google in China - dulan drift, 2020-08-04, 07:01
- Vic State of Disaster - dulan drift, 2020-08-03, 18:46
- The Data War - dan, 2020-08-03, 15:09
- Excessive testing in HK - dulan drift, 2020-08-03, 11:37
- The Data War - dulan drift, 2020-08-01, 07:22
- The Data War - dulan drift, 2020-07-23, 16:27
- The Data War - dan, 2020-07-21, 20:12
- HK Xinjiang simultaneous lockdown - dulan drift, 2020-07-21, 18:55
- The Data War - dan, 2020-07-20, 16:29
- HK Xinjiang simultaneous lockdown - dulan drift, 2020-07-20, 14:38
- The Data War - dan, 2020-07-05, 06:23
- HK brainwashing system - dulan drift, 2020-07-05, 05:39
- CCP GPS satellite network - dulan drift, 2020-06-23, 18:30
- Zoom - facial recognition - dulan drift, 2020-06-22, 11:54
- Biometric surveillance Duke Uni - dulan drift, 2020-06-20, 22:13
- The Data War - dan, 2020-06-19, 17:00
- Cyber-attack Australia - dulan drift, 2020-06-19, 13:29
- Qatar phone tracing app dystopia - dulan drift, 2020-06-19, 06:13
- The Data War - dan, 2020-06-18, 11:26
- HK National Security Law - dulan drift, 2020-06-18, 10:31
- Norway suspends tracing app - dulan drift, 2020-06-16, 06:46
- Zoom cancels HK protesters accounts - dulan drift, 2020-06-12, 22:46
- The Data War - dan, 2020-05-27, 19:56
- Youtube censors content critical of CCP - dulan drift, 2020-05-27, 18:37
- The Data War - dan, 2020-05-14, 15:40
- Cyber-attack Taiwan Health Service - dulan drift, 2020-05-07, 08:58
- Covid-Safe app - dulan drift, 2020-05-05, 18:42
- FB removing lanti-lockdown pages - dulan drift, 2020-05-01, 07:01
- Youtube removes doctors questioning lockdown - dulan drift, 2020-04-29, 11:38
- The Data War - dulan drift, 2020-04-22, 09:15
- The Data War - dan, 2020-04-22, 07:13
- The Data War - dan, 2020-04-21, 16:09
- HK activists arrested - barred from election - dulan drift, 2020-04-21, 07:25
- The Data War - dulan drift, 2020-04-20, 11:12
- The Data War - dan, 2020-04-17, 19:41
- The Data War - dulan drift, 2020-04-17, 11:27
- The Data War - dan, 2020-04-17, 06:13
- Zoom - dulan drift, 2020-04-03, 11:37
- Zagreb Earthquake - dulan drift, 2020-03-25, 19:14
- Zagreb Earthquake - dan, 2020-03-27, 13:38
- Zagreb Earthquake - dulan drift, 2020-03-27, 19:33
- Croatia Earthquake - dulan drift, 2020-12-31, 06:37
- Zagreb Earthquake - dan, 2020-03-27, 13:38
- Formation of Tectonic Plates - dulan drift, 2020-02-17, 21:11
- nCov - dan, 2020-01-24, 19:45
- nCov - dan, 2020-01-24, 19:51
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-01-25, 05:48
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-01-26, 21:43
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-01-27, 10:18
- nCov - dan, 2020-01-28, 07:04
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-01-28, 15:30
- nCov - dan, 2020-01-29, 15:10
- nCov - dan, 2020-01-29, 15:19
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-01-30, 20:01
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-01-30, 20:16
- nCov - dan, 2020-01-31, 12:31
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-02-01, 09:31
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-02-01, 10:54
- nCov - dan, 2020-02-01, 11:17
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-02-06, 15:53
- nCov - dan, 2020-02-07, 07:24
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-02-07, 17:51
- nCov - dan, 2020-02-07, 19:32
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-02-08, 12:38
- nCov - dan, 2020-02-08, 15:18
- nCov - dan, 2020-02-08, 18:43
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-02-10, 20:32
- nCov - dan, 2020-02-11, 05:50
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-02-11, 11:44
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-02-13, 11:22
- nCov - dan, 2020-02-13, 11:59
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-02-15, 06:00
- nCov - dan, 2020-02-16, 14:47
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-02-16, 21:54
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-02-21, 18:47
- nCov - dan, 2020-02-21, 19:13
- nCov - dan, 2020-02-22, 19:11
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-02-24, 15:38
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-03-08, 16:41
- nCov - dan, 2020-03-10, 15:42
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-03-14, 20:00
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-03-21, 12:08
- nCov - dan, 2020-03-21, 16:02
- nCov - dan, 2020-03-21, 16:54
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-03-22, 20:35
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-03-23, 05:45
- nCov - dan, 2020-03-27, 13:50
- nCov - dan, 2020-03-27, 15:57
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-03-27, 19:23
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-03-27, 19:26
- nCov - dan, 2020-03-27, 20:14
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-03-28, 07:09
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-03-30, 13:19
- nCov - dan, 2020-03-30, 14:08
- nCov - dan, 2020-03-30, 14:52
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-03-30, 19:06
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-03-31, 05:30
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-03-31, 16:51
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-04-03, 05:49
- nCov - dan, 2020-04-03, 16:35
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-04-05, 12:28
- nCov - dan, 2020-04-05, 15:40
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-04-06, 12:44
- nCov - dan, 2020-04-09, 12:36
- nCov - dan, 2020-04-09, 18:38
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-04-10, 11:45
- nCov - dan, 2020-04-10, 16:16
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-04-16, 09:28
- nCov - dan, 2020-04-17, 06:09
- nCov - dan, 2020-04-19, 18:50
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-04-21, 07:42
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-04-22, 21:19
- nCov - dan, 2020-04-23, 05:16
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-04-25, 07:43
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-04-27, 10:57
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-05-14, 19:51
- nCov - Aussie outbreak - dulan drift, 2020-07-12, 14:52
- nCov - Aussie outbreak - dan, 2020-07-12, 15:31
- nCov - Aussie outbreak - dulan drift, 2020-07-12, 17:27
- Chinese Virologist says SARS-Cov-2 from lab - dulan drift, 2020-09-16, 13:29
- Chinese Virologist says SARS-Cov-2 from lab - dan, 2020-09-16, 15:29
- Chinese Virologist says SARS-Cov-2 from lab - dulan drift, 2020-09-16, 18:37
- Chinese Virologist says SARS-Cov-2 from lab - dan, 2020-09-16, 15:29
- Chinese Virologist says SARS-Cov-2 from lab - dulan drift, 2020-09-16, 13:29
- nCov - Aussie outbreak - dulan drift, 2020-07-12, 17:27
- nCov - Aussie outbreak - dan, 2020-07-12, 15:31
- nCov - Aussie outbreak - dulan drift, 2020-07-12, 14:52
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-05-14, 19:51
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-04-27, 10:57
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-04-25, 07:43
- nCov - dan, 2020-04-23, 05:16
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-04-22, 21:19
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-04-21, 07:42
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-04-16, 09:28
- nCov - dan, 2020-04-10, 16:16
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-04-10, 11:45
- nCov - dan, 2020-04-09, 18:38
- nCov - dan, 2020-04-05, 15:40
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-04-05, 12:28
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-03-31, 16:51
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-03-31, 05:30
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-03-30, 19:06
- nCov - dan, 2020-03-30, 14:52
- nCov - dan, 2020-03-30, 14:08
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-03-30, 13:19
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-03-28, 07:09
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-03-27, 19:23
- nCov - dan, 2020-03-27, 15:57
- nCov - dan, 2020-03-27, 13:50
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-03-23, 05:45
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-03-22, 20:35
- nCov - dan, 2020-03-21, 16:54
- nCov - dan, 2020-03-21, 16:02
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-03-21, 12:08
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-03-14, 20:00
- nCov - dan, 2020-03-10, 15:42
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-03-08, 16:41
- nCov - dan, 2020-02-21, 19:13
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-02-21, 18:47
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-02-16, 21:54
- nCov - dan, 2020-02-16, 14:47
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-02-15, 06:00
- nCov - dan, 2020-02-13, 11:59
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-02-13, 11:22
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-02-11, 11:44
- nCov - dan, 2020-02-11, 05:50
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-02-10, 20:32
- nCov - dan, 2020-02-08, 18:43
- nCov - dan, 2020-02-08, 15:18
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-02-08, 12:38
- nCov - dan, 2020-02-07, 19:32
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-02-07, 17:51
- nCov - dan, 2020-02-07, 07:24
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-02-06, 15:53
- nCov - dan, 2020-02-01, 11:17
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-02-01, 10:54
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-02-01, 09:31
- nCov - dan, 2020-01-31, 12:31
- nCov - dan, 2020-01-29, 15:19
- nCov - dan, 2020-01-29, 15:10
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-01-28, 15:30
- nCov - dan, 2020-01-28, 07:04
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-01-27, 10:18
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-01-26, 21:43
- nCov - dulan drift, 2020-01-25, 05:48
- nCov - dan, 2020-01-24, 19:51
- NZ Volcano - dulan drift, 2019-12-09, 17:36
- NZ Volcano - dan, 2019-12-09, 17:55
- NZ Volcano - dulan drift, 2019-12-10, 19:35
- NZ Volcano - dulan drift, 2019-12-11, 05:20
- NZ Volcano - dulan drift, 2019-12-17, 11:36
- NZ Volcano - dulan drift, 2019-12-11, 05:20
- NZ Volcano - dulan drift, 2019-12-10, 19:35
- NZ Volcano - dan, 2019-12-09, 17:55
- Indian Ocean dipole - dulan drift, 2019-11-24, 03:43
- Indian Ocean dipole - dan, 2019-11-26, 12:12
- Indian Ocean dipole - dan, 2021-10-22, 19:38
- Upwellings - dulan drift, 2021-10-23, 06:29
- Flooding in UK - dulan drift, 2019-11-08, 06:06
- Fracking banned in UK - dulan drift, 2019-11-02, 17:05
- Fracking banned in UK - dan, 2019-11-02, 17:54
- Fracking banned in UK - dulan drift, 2019-11-07, 10:00
- Fracking banned in UK - dan, 2019-11-02, 17:54
- Twin Philippines quakes - dulan drift, 2019-10-30, 18:49
- Twin Philippines quakes - dan, 2019-11-01, 19:24
- Chinese hit job gone wrong - dulan drift, 2019-10-22, 16:49
- Chinese hit job gone wrong - dan, 2019-10-23, 10:34
- Rift valley rumbling - dulan drift, 2019-10-03, 17:03
- Rift valley rumbling - dan, 2019-10-03, 18:12
- Avalanche increase - dulan drift, 2019-10-02, 16:26
- Avalanche increase - dan, 2019-10-03, 18:07
- Avalanche increase - dulan drift, 2019-10-03, 21:05
- Avalanche increase - dan, 2019-10-04, 05:30
- Avalanche increase - dulan drift, 2019-10-04, 17:28
- Avalanche increase - dan, 2019-10-04, 18:51
- Avalanche increase - dulan drift, 2019-10-04, 17:28
- Avalanche increase - dan, 2019-10-04, 05:30
- Avalanche increase - dulan drift, 2019-10-03, 21:05
- Avalanche increase - dan, 2019-10-03, 18:07
- Lanyu helicopter crash - dulan drift, 2019-09-26, 21:40
- Taiwan east coast earthquake sequence - dulan drift, 2019-09-10, 18:28
- Hualien earthquake cluster - dulan drift, 2019-08-18, 18:47