Robert F. Garry: Zalgen (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Tuesday, May 19, 2020, 07:26 (1663 days ago) @ dulan drift

Robert F. Garry:
Tulane University, School of Medicine, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, New Orleans, LA, USA
Zalgen Labs, Germantown, MD, USA

Robert F. Garry teaches at Tulane, which, in turn, was involved in the Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium (VHFC) consortium with Scripps (Kristian G. Andersen) and Harvard among others for work in Africa related to Lassa fever, which is supposedly classified as "a potential bio-terrorism threat."

Our man Robert F. Garry is listed as the the founding director of VHFC and the current President. I wonder if that influenced the decision to appoint Zalgen Labs, Garry’s spin-off company, as the industry partner?

So what is Zalgen labs. There’s a listing on Bloomberg but no profile info. A site called Zoomdata has a profile but i don’t know how accurate it is.
According to that site Zalgen Labs has 10 employees. It’s revenue is reported to be $2 million, which doesn’t sound like much, but just before the virus outbreak it was $204 000.

In the few months after the outbreak it’s income has increased 10-fold.

The following was listed in a section at the bottom of the Proximal Origins paper.

Ethics declarations
Competing interests
R.F.G. is co-founder of Zalgen Labs, a biotechnology company that develops countermeasures to emerging viruses.

Some links Dan sourced in relation to Zalgen:

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