Cyber war impunity (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Sunday, November 22, 2020, 18:54 (1245 days ago) @ dulan drift

Former US National Security Agency director Mike Rogers:

"My attitude always was: can you explain to me how Russia, China, North Korea and the Iranians have come to the conclusion that cyber represents low-risk (pay wall) — that they can engage in aggressive activities in cyber and not trigger a significant response … or at least a response that they think outweighs the benefits?”

“How is it that we have got two diametrically opposed world models? We have got to change this dynamic. We have to reshape the risk calculus of these cyber actors whether it be nation states or criminal actors.”

That's a good point - we touched on it before. A Data War is the war you have without firing a shot - or the repercussions of firing shots. But it's still a war, with real war outcomes.

As a criminal enterprise, data theft in general operates with impunity. How often do they catch the guy who rings up with a banking scam? Never?

It's the same with state-sponsored cyber-warfare. It's serious shit. But there are no repercussions for the perpetrators. (Unless you're named Julian Assange or Edward Snowden - then we'll hound you to your grave.)

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