Plato - Forms - ORGS (General)

by dan, Friday, May 19, 2023, 19:31 (346 days ago) @ dulan drift

Hey, i just had a brilliant idea! We could ask AI to finish this thread for us. Skip the mind-fucks & get back to ... whatever ...

Starting with this. I was tempted to copy and paste you post into chatgpt to see what it would come up with, but then realized I would only be training it. It is a monster, an insatiable monster, and it will devour us.

Soon, even already, every thing we're doing is feeding AI. It's an absurd and tragic event we're participating in in real time. We're tying the rope for our hangman. And we're doing it enthusiastically.

The idea of GODS/Orgs ties into this somehow as well. Another of Plato's observations was the concept of Forms - everything has a perfect Form (similar to essence) - of which there are infinite imperfect copies. For example, i am an imperfect copy of the form, Man, in which i participate. If i make a chair, that is an imperfect, though unique version of the form, Chairs. Form is Spectrum. It raises the question: does Form/Spectrum exist as a thing itself - distinct from the stuff that makes it up?

Is it top down or bottom up? Deductive or inductive? In the end, it doesn't matter I suppose, but I've always assumed that the human brain has taken stimuli and categorized it, and this ultimately resulted in language, that it is our linguistic ability that formed the the FORM, which is a concept. For example, table. Four legs and a top, right? That's the form. But do those forms exist before perception? I think not. Forms are created as a result of perception. Pavlov showed this. The bell was perceived by the dog as food. We do this every day. Think boat. What comes to mind? Well, something floating on water, but the specifics of your boat as opposed to another's will be very different.

So I think man actually creates those forms. I don't think they exist as a perfect, objective ideal. Octopus have nine brains. What would their tables look like?

Presumably The One, from Plato's unwritten doctrine, is the One Form to rule them all. He thought this oneness to be the good. Which is nice, the essence of existence is, goodness.

And I think that exists. I go back to my thought that all people around the world must have a universal concept of goodness, what it is to be a good person. It may vary slightly from culture to culture and context to context, but I'm sure nowhere it is OK to walk up and kick someone in the shin for no reason.

I'm not so sure. Could be. I hope so - like Dan's Love-Energy. It's part of the equation. But maybe the One Form is Organization? Whose perfect state is Singularity. Everything organized into One. (Or is there more than one One?)

Perhaps, and perhaps that ONE is a teenager and disorganizes just for shits and giggles. Can there be peace? What is that? Harmony? Why are we tempted to throw rocks into the stream? Is this fluctuation between what we want and don't want perhaps the point? Because what is the alternative?

As much as things tend towards chaos, they tend towards organization, which is contradictory, but in being so, provides an opposites energy Dyad to generate reality/data. We don't know if we're running away or chasing ... it's the quandary that fans existence?

Perhaps so. What is the point of existence? Sex, power, art, fear, love, it's all conflict. It's life. Life is conflict. The womb, birth, childhood. adolescence, youth, adulthood, middle age, old age, death, it's all conflict. That's what life is.

It's that quandary you mention that has been lost on modern society. That quandary is indeed our individual power, and it's what has been lost in day to day living.

On Dan's point about the rise of fascism, this is Orgs gone made. It's a race to Global Totalitarianism. To Singularity. A tendency that Orgs possess.

I'm curious as to whether we can escape this fate. It does seem to be accelerating helter-skelter in that direction ...

I'm very concerned. I don't think we can escape it. I think we're fucked.

It's very simple. Why should we assume that AI will do anything other than to further empower the rich and powerful? It won't. AI will be used to move wealth to the rich and from the poor. It's that simple. Why IN THE FUCKING WORLD would anyone believe otherwise? When has disruptive technology been used to benefit the poor as equally as the rich?

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