Putin's daughter (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Saturday, March 19, 2022, 10:29 (767 days ago) @ dulan drift

Katerina Tikhonova

Born in August 1986, the second child of the Russian president, .. she gained a doctorate from Moscow State University after “completing a study on helping cosmonauts and pilots to orientate themselves in difficult conditions”, and now spearheads “a major new Russian artificial intelligence initiative”.

I think we can put that in the evidence-it's-all-a-game file.

Was going through the world leaders - seems dynasty is the norm:

The Kennedys, The Bushes, the Clintons, The Trumps, the Kim Jongs, The Kadashians, The Jacksons, The Xis (Xi Jin-ping's father was an original CCP power guy), the Bidens (including Hunter's cartoon life ).

It's a world we're removed from. An unreal world. It influences my world, but i'm powerless to influence it. We beleive it exists, but does it?

I searched Putin's lineage - there was nothing immediately notable about his parents - son of a soldier and a factory worker - textbook pedigree you could say - but his daughter is spearheading a major new Russian AI initiative! That's too much.

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