The GODS (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Monday, December 12, 2022, 09:17 (501 days ago) @ dan

Read (most of) the Gemstone files summary - of course it would take a lot more reading to get a fix on the veracity, but intuitively, it sounds plausible. In general terms, there are a few things we know for sure:

1. MOUs do exist. They wake up in nice beds every day, have a good breakfast, then go to work to maintain/increase their money/global-power
2. They have zero qualms about projecting whoppers to the masses
3. They have the media/govt infrastructure to pull these whoppers off
4. They're hiding in plain sight - heck, they've constructed plain sight

A lot of people (all?) operate on the level of projected imagery. The image is more important than the actual truth. If you can successfully project an image of a rich philanthropist who cares about the poor people and wants to 'save-the-planet', then you will bathe in the reflected glory of this image & sleep great at night - regardless of whether its crap or not. The only thing that will disrupt your sleep is exposure of the real truth ... & jail-time. The fact that you have the power to avoid that only adds to your sense of self-worth. You're not wracked by a guilty conscience in the slightest - you tell yourself that's just the way of the world - if you want to be successful in that world, this is what you need to do. I had the balls to do it - the rest are a bunch of losers.

The Onassis example provides a good model for the GODS:

Mega-wealthy king-pin who has accumulated immense power to match. He uses this money/power to continuously entrench his money/power. Blocks/disappears anyone who threatens that.

A series of concentric circles rippling out from his central position that includes media, deep-state bureaucrats, politicians, professionals (judges, lawyers, accountants, scientists), like-minded corporates, all backed by muscle. In Onassis's case that involved gangsters, but the police-force/military/security forces will do fine if you have that level of control, which MOUs do, at least partially, courtesy of having control of the preceding dudes.

These inner-circles are all deeply invested in the success of the system set up by the king-pin. If that's not enough motivation, which it nearly always is, then there's the serious financial/career repercussions you & your family will face if you step out of line.

Integral to maintaining the status quo of this World Order, in which all these people are vested, is projecting a public show for the masses. That's the day-job for the media, politicians, experts especially. Dan's broadcasts at the MAN captures this perfectly. It's an elaborate, fake reality, that, never-the-less, becomes real. In order to, as Dan put it, increase engagement, various Crises are manufactured, which invariably result in more power flowing to the MOUs.

A simple example of this is the Anthrax attacks. Instigated by top US secret-security scientists at Fort Detrick to create a fake crisis, in order to create public fear, to gain more power/money for vaccines and bioweapons research - & invade Iraq for oil. All of which went to plan perfectly.

As a flow-on of this fake reality, the explosion in funding for bio-weapons directly led to gain-of-function research on viruses - which resulted in Covid - which resulted in another avalanche of power/money flowing into the MOUs who manufactured these crises in the first place.


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