Paris Olympics (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Friday, July 26, 2024, 18:21 (43 days ago) @ dan

The doco covers some themes we've discussed - that it's a secret war - that's already going on - not identifiable the way a bomb landing is - though capable of causing way more damage.

The curious thing was that the US didn't seem to care if their cutting-edge cyber secrets were up for sale on the web.

There does seem to be some 'buzz' forming about a major event coming. Could the Olympics be the staging ground for a cyber-attack demonstration? All the world's eyes on one place ...

Below is not a cyber-attack, it was arson, but it demonstrates how vulnerable major infrastructure is to disruption. Hacking is one way but blowing up key internet towers would achieve a similar effect. The two could be used in conjunction.

High-speed trains around France were hit by several "malicious acts" that heavily disrupted traffic on the day of the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics.(

The Rail company) labelled the disruption as a "massive attack aimed at paralysing the high-speed line network".

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