Cyber-war 2024 (General)

by dan, Tuesday, February 27, 2024, 15:14 (352 days ago) @ dulan drift

From USA Today:

The White House's national security communications adviser John Kirby said Thursday afternoon, “We're being told that AT&T has no reason to think that this was a cyber-security incident. But again, I want to be careful. We won't know until an investigation has been completed.”

Notice the use of the passive voice, which always hides the subject by replacing it with something else, in this case 'we'. So, who told them this?

But again, I want to be careful. We won't know until an investigation has been completed.

Covering their asses, which probably won't be necessary because the investigation will never be completed and if it is, it will be classified. Or people will just forget about the whole thing, which has already happened, mostly.

So, the entire network got shut down for, what, 12 hours or something? Because somebody wrote some bad code that was never caught before going live or threw a switch too soon? Highly unlikely.

Meanwhile, the White House, home of the top dog of the entire US military, doesn't know what the fuck happened and they're waiting for someone, we don't know who, to fill them in. Yeah, right.

And we're 30+ TRILLION dollars in debt.

Yeah... a change is coming, and it probably won't favor the masses.

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