MediSecure hack (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Thursday, July 18, 2024, 18:06 (52 days ago) @ dan

Half of Australia's population has been caught up in the cyberattack on MediSecure.
That makes it bigger than the Optus and Medibank data breaches in 2022.

Gotta love the irony. Biggest ever company hack in Australia ... happens to MediSecure.

Proves again, nothing is secure.

MediSecure: MediSecure can confirm that approximately 12.9 million Australians are impacted by this incident based on individuals' healthcare identifiers.
However, MediSecure is unable to identify the specific impacted individuals .. without incurring substantial cost that MediSecure was not in a financial position to meet.

Great. I don't think these companies give a flying fuck about the security of our data. They care about having it, that's all.

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