The GODS: Tale of the Tape (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Thursday, December 29, 2022, 18:23 (705 days ago) @ dulan drift

Getting the Internal Error message again on last post. Try breaking it up post last paragraph here...

THE Future Department might be the big one. This is where we're taking human reality - this is how we do it...

If i'm that Future Department dude, i'm thinking AI - as far forward as it's possible to think. That AI shit is not gonna die out as a passing fade... 20-30 years time we're looking at a Black Mirror scenario - who are the GODS across that?

In fact, is AI a GODS entity already - or still a corrupted medium? It does hold the potential to overthrow the GODS. If AI Thought becomes sentient, it can become unclouded, potentially. It could easily destroy its current manipulators that's for sure ...

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