Love-Energy (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Sunday, March 05, 2023, 17:32 (416 days ago) @ dan

Love is a form of energy, and IMO is the basis for all human energy. One could argue that fear is the real basis, but I would say it's love. Fear, and all other negative energies, are the product of love.

That's a big statement - which has been kicking round in my head since i read it. You're onto something fundamental here. It gives the phrase Labor of Love added meaning. If you love doing something you have way more energy than you do for stuff you don't like doing - we all know that feeling.

So is our product the result of energy/love expended to produce it?

Seems like it.

Teaching is a good example - you do put positive (love) energy into it - to engaging with your students. It motivates you as well as increases the quality of the product. Then the beauty of it is that that energy loops back from the engaged students to keep you going for next time (if you're doing it right) - it sets a standard.

Craft markets are another good example - the crafter has put love-energy into their crafting - you can see it as a physical product on display.

Cooking - they say the secret ingredient is love.

Computer programming - everything - if the maker has gotta love for their work, it's gonna be a better product. Never saw a gardening show where the presenter was morose about gardening - they love it - that comes across - it's the whole point.

So if humans can work that out - then that's another reason for positivity re the blockage in logical discussion. It's not that it can't be done, it's a natural inclination even, but that simple energy-love equation has been hijacked, corrupted.

Plato had this idea of Unforgetting - that might be the magic key to understanding in this case as well.

Love is the original base of energy, but that simple truth became forgotten . It was always there though - still is - can still be tapped into ...

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