Albo knifes Taiwan (General)

by dan, Friday, December 09, 2022, 19:47 (503 days ago) @ dulan drift

With all the woke talk we hear now about supporting this and that social cause (most of which i'm fine with), we've then got our PM supporting global fascism! How does that all fit together?

You've nailed the crux of the problem with the current political dynamics. Very weird shit is happening and I don't know what to make of it. Right has become left and left right. Libertarianism used to be a freedom-loving concept, now it's a right-wing fascist dog whistle while at the same time socialism used to be a leftist economic philosophy that is now becoming fascist itself, fascism being, historically, the domain of the right! It's as though all leanings are moving towards fascism, albeit under different names and with different clothing.

Where is the commonsense dialogue promoting health, wealth, safety, welfare, and freedom of thought, religion, movement, and everything else that doesn't harm others for all?

I mean, isn't it simple? Don't hurt other people, be good, have a good life, have fun... guess that's too much to ask.

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