non-drug nasal spray (General)

by dan, Monday, September 30, 2024, 11:17 (18 days ago) @ dulan drift

This looks promising and it will be interesting to see what happens to it. In theory, this could make vaccinations for flu, covid, and other respiratory infections unnecessary.

non-drug nasal spray

The nasal spray "forms a gel-like matrix that traps respiratory droplets, immobilizes the germs, and effectively neutralizes them, preventing infection," Joshi explained in a hospital news release.

"It blocked and neutralized almost 100% of all viruses and bacteria we tested, including influenza, SARS-CoV-2, RSV, adenovirus, K Pneumonia and more."

I'm guessing big pharma should be quite concerned about this. Will it get buried? When the next pandemic inducing virus emerges (or escapes), will this technology get fast tracked like the vaccine, or somehow found to be unusable?

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