Vaccine Data War, 2024 (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Tuesday, August 20, 2024, 06:43 (19 days ago) @ dan

No doubt junk food is a big contributing factor - actually, a closer look shows cancer has been rising since the 1990s. I think you reported earlier that obesity was 'the elephant in the room' (to keep the puns going) when looking at Covid deaths in general, though it remains to be seen if there's also an exacerbating effect in conjunction with mRNA vaccines.

There's such media effort to vaccinate, stop drinking, stop smoking, yada yada yada, but where is the public campaign to stop shoveling shit into your body? Why are there no disgusting pictures of obese people on bags of McDonald's food just as there are pictures of cancerous lungs on cigarette packs?

Yeah, that's a glaring hypocrisy that's bugged me for a long time. Australian sport, which promotes a full wokey-pokey image, is sponsored by McDonald's, gambling, & alcohol.

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