THE Rollout (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Sunday, December 25, 2022, 10:23 (632 days ago) @ dan

Anyone who sought to undermine the rollout? Rollout. As in rolling off the production line. Products are rolled out, like cars.

That's something I would expect to read about happening in China, but Australia? Of course, it's happening everywhere, I just hadn't seen it stated in such clear language.

Indeed, stated in clear language. It captures the moment where the truth gets hijacked/banned due to THE Rollout (insert any trumped-up crisis that's deemed to trump personal freedoms).

Actually, it was hijacked long before Covid - but it becomes the latest justification for a reality perversion update.

The anomaly for me is: vax-enforcement was significantly lower in your normal Totalitarian regimes - China & Russia for example - than it was in Australia - which along with NZ had the highest levels of draconianism for all-things-Covid in the world.

Makes me think two things:

1. Are Chinese scientists wary of long-term/over-use of vaccines? Especially mRNA vacs? If they can test mega-cities within a week, then they can definitely vax the shit out of them. So why didn't they?

2. With the simple insertion of a lab-designed crisis - caused/controlled by the experts - free countries are only too ready to flick the switch to Totalitarian Rollout mode - with disturbing speed/power-hungriness & frightening lying/vilification/punishment techniques. The layered emergency-rule organization lurking in the shadows was pre-geared, itching to be activated ... The power-centralization coup it executed was staggeringly successful - the thinking now is how to lock those gains in. Then what's our next crisis?

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