13-17% spike in Aus excess death (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Wednesday, December 07, 2022, 21:09 (649 days ago) @ dan

News: An extra 15,400 people died in the first eight months of the year, according to new analysis of Australian Bureau of Statistics

Karen Cutter, Actuaries Institute: Mortality doesn’t normally vary by more than 1 to 2 per cent, so 13 per cent is way higher than normal levels. I’m not aware [of anything comparable] in the recent past. .. They talk about the flu season of 2017 being really bad, and the mortality there was 1 per cent higher than normal. So it’s well outside the range of normal.

I think the government should be looking at it – I don’t know to what extent they are or not, I don’t know what kind of investigations are underway.

The AIHW [Australian Institute of Health and Welfare] is the Australian body tasked with investigating and reporting on the health of the Australian population, so part of it probably falls under their remit. I don’t know what they’re doing.

AIHW spokeswoman: The AIHW does not routinely report on excess mortality.

9 News: The latest mortality data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics last month found that there had been 128,797 deaths from January 1 to August 31, which was 17 per cent higher than the historical average.

(I)schaemic heart disease was the biggest contributor to excess deaths in 2022, followed by cancer. Deaths from respiratory disease have been significantly lower than expected throughout the pandemic – except for the short and early flu season this year – while things like cancer, diabetes, heart disease and stroke as a group have been the largest contributor to non-Covid excess deaths in 2021 and 2022.

One thing i can say for absolute certain, the experts will say there's "no evidence" of any of this being due to vaccines - even though heart problems were the number one adverse effect from vaccines. Here we go - grab the popcorn:

Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)/ABC Fact Check:
It is false and unscientific to automatically conclude that vaccines caused these deaths.

There is no credible evidence to suggest that Covid-19 vaccines have contributed to excess deaths in Australia or overseas.

Ms Cutter: There is zero evidence that vaccines are causing these deaths as far as I’m concerned, but I cannot prove it.

Unscientific? That's classic - refusing to investigate, then saying there's "no evidence" - how many times have we heard that one during Covid from THE Scientists & corrupt Fact Checking PR bureaus? What's unscientific is to refuse to investigate something then state definitively that it's not from a particular suspect cause - then be yelling at other people for being unscientific.

Lying has become first nature to Australia's public-funded experts now - they see that as their job - to protect their empires. There's no other way out. Of course they will continue getting away with it coz there's no-one to hold them to account.

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