It's all Africa's fault (General)

by dan, Saturday, July 16, 2022, 19:52 (793 days ago) @ dulan drift

The best thing we can do to fight Covid is to find out what caused it. At least then we may be able to prevent another pandemic. But none of the health experts are remotely interested in finding that out. Why? We can deduce that they're terrified that the cause will likely be traced back to the same scientific expert community that is currently ruling the world and telling everyone what to do.

Whose gonna be left to believe their BS advice if the public finds out the experts caused/covered-up Covid?

And even now, on July 16, 2022, as a new wave of a new variant is raging because it's impervious to all vaccines and to previous infection status, the experts are still telling us that vaccination is the best defense against this stran...

...this strain for which the vaccine doesn't work.

They're actually admitting in the same breath that vaccines do not protect against the current strain, but the best defense is to get vaccinated.

The vaccine doesn't work, but get it anyway.

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