South meets north - Mei yu pt 2- June10 deluge (Weather)

by dulan drift ⌂, Thursday, June 14, 2012, 13:11 (4327 days ago) @ dan

And on it goes. We are now into day 5 and after a bit of a lull yesterday it has cranked right back up today. The south west is still copping it - expect further flooding and landslides there today - but now it is starting to seriously affect the east coast as well. Just south of Taidong they have already had 100ml and still pouring and it appears to be creeping up the coast.

In XC, we are up to 60ml. Poured early this morning, then a break and the sun even shone through for 30 or so mins, but now it has turned so dark that i need the lights on in the house to type this - and i've got full ceiling to floor windows!

The scary thing is that there looks to be a heap more in the pipeline. I've got grave concerns about what's going to happen if that huge blob of rain to the south west makes its way up here - and it certainly looks like it is coming this way - that has been the pattern, coming up with the monsoon flow. There's a low pressure there and the size of it, rain wise, is more than double that of the typhoon to the south east. I'd love to take a look at the record books - i doubt Taiwan has seen a mei yu event of this magnitude for quite some time. Pingdong does have a whopping 374ml mean for June, but they would have had more than triple that in the last few days alone.


Rainfall chart up to 10pm - torrential rain still ongoing on mid west coast.

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