South meets north - Mei yu pt 2- June10 deluge (Weather)

by dulan drift ⌂, Monday, June 11, 2012, 03:29 (4331 days ago) @ dulan drift

Looks like the mei yu is hitting its full stride at the moment with a massive deluge across most of the island. Strangely enough, about the only place it didn't rain was in the far north, thank God, cause i was there to do the market. There was a 90% prediction on rain in Taipei for Sat-Sun, but it didn't come. However, there were falls of 600+ in parts of pingdong - that's a major typhoon level of rain that would almost certainly cause serious flooding and landslides.
Sat maps so a tremendous amount of moisture getting around in the atmosphere over north ppe, china, and Taiwan

note: this is the 'panel 2' that you have to select on the CWB site to get a reading of falls over 300. Rain is contining into the morning of the 11.

Doesn't particular seem to feature a front - not where the rain fell - though one is predicted to come through in the next few days.


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