South meets north - Mei yu pt 2- June10 deluge (Weather)

by dulan drift ⌂, Tuesday, June 12, 2012, 18:05 (4334 days ago) @ dan

But, oh my, if it affects Taipei, then it's something.

It was the same with Morakot. I remember looking at the off the chart rain totals and then switching on the TV to see what was going on and there was just the usual procession of popstar and food stories. I think Ma Ing Jiu was watching the same channel, judging by the govt's delayed response.

Anyway, that's our job now.

Looking at the radar, it might be about to take a turn for the worse over this side in the next few hours. It was interesting to read what you said about it cranking up in Chihben. Large chunks of the storm are now slipping under the southern penninsula and starting to slide up towards us. Despite what feels like steady persistent rain for three days, we've actually had almost the least of anywhere on the island - so far.

And then again, a typhoon approaching from the east would fix that as well.


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