Printing money (General)

by dan, Saturday, November 28, 2020, 19:51 (1244 days ago) @ dulan drift

Yep, they print money, then pay for it by printing more money. It can't end well.

In the short term, what we'll see is asset prices rising. Real estate and the stock market will go up because they'll be flooded with money, and that money has to go somewhere. So now, we are seeing high unemployment or underemployment with record highs on the stock market. How does that make sense? The official employment rates in the US might sometimes look OK, but it's all BS. Many of those people are working two, three jobs and still can't pay rent or are living in poverty.

Housing prices in the US now are going up, all due to cheap mortgages, and that is due to the printing of money. Meanwhile, personal debt is also rising. This is a replay of what led to 2008, by a multiple of 10.

I think the printing of money and increasing the debt could benefit the economy if that money were used for social programs that actually strengthened society, but they're just throwing the money into cheap credit and one off cash payouts. It doesn't do a thing to address those with no healthcare, student debt, homelessness, or any number of serious social problems we're facing.

In short, they're printing money to keep the large corporate players afloat. That's who it's benefiting.

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