Australia Bushfire Season 2019-20 (Weather)

by dulan drift ⌂, Saturday, February 01, 2020, 13:18 (1543 days ago) @ dulan drift

Dramatic description from a reporter who got stuck at a farmer's house today near Canberra:

"At first, the fires were manageable. Spot fires would ignite on the fringes and Laurence would floor his ute to the scene and extinguish each one before it could take hold.

Then, out of nowhere, a wind change sent flames barrelling towards the house. Nothing could have stopped them. From inside, you could see the fire licking at the windows from the outside.

The wind sounded like a freight train, rattling the glass. Outside, chaos. Everywhere. The smoke was so thick that breathing was impossible. Ash and dirt caught in the eyes. The horses broke loose and fled from the fire’s approach. But there was nowhere to go. At every corner of the house flames threatened. Somehow it stood. Everyone pitched in. The media crews here were on hoses, with Laurence and Claire barking orders above the roar of the wind.

Every so often, the smoke and the heat became too much and we ran inside for shelter."

Note: It's still 42C in Canberra city at 4pm

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