- 17W - dulan drift, 2012-09-11, 09:47 (Weather)
- 17W - dan, 2012-09-11, 14:35
- 17W - dan, 2012-09-11, 20:38
- Typhoon Sanba 17W - dulan drift, 2012-09-11, 20:53
- Typhoon Sanba 17W - dan, 2012-09-11, 21:18
- Typhoon Sanba 17W - dulan drift, 2012-09-12, 18:40
- Typhoon Sanba 17W - dan, 2012-09-12, 20:50
- Typhoon Sanba 17W - dulan drift, 2012-09-12, 22:31
- Typhoon Sanba 17W - dan, 2012-09-13, 16:54
- Typhoon Sanba 17W - dulan drift, 2012-09-13, 19:04
- Typhoon Sanba 17W - dan, 2012-09-13, 20:40
- Typhoon Sanba 17W - dan, 2012-09-13, 20:50
- Typhoon Sanba 17W - dulan drift, 2012-09-14, 09:45
- Typhoon Sanba 17W - dulan drift, 2012-09-13, 19:04
- Typhoon Sanba 17W - dan, 2012-09-13, 16:54
- Typhoon Sanba 17W - dulan drift, 2012-09-12, 22:31
- Typhoon Sanba 17W - dan, 2012-09-12, 20:50
- Typhoon Sanba 17W - dulan drift, 2012-09-12, 18:40
- Typhoon Sanba 17W - dan, 2012-09-11, 21:18
- Typhoon Sanba 17W - dulan drift, 2012-09-11, 20:53
- Here we go again? - dulan drift, 2012-08-30, 12:25 (General)
- Here we go again? - dan, 2012-08-30, 19:36
- Here we go again? - dulan drift, 2012-08-31, 13:38
- Here we go again? - dan, 2012-08-31, 19:13
- Here we go again? - dulan drift, 2012-09-04, 10:39
- Here we go again? - dan, 2012-08-31, 19:13
- Here we go again? - dulan drift, 2012-08-31, 13:38
- Here we go again? - dan, 2012-08-30, 19:36
- Typhoon Tembin 2 - dan, 2012-08-23, 06:19 (Weather)
- Typhoon Tembin 2 - dulan drift, 2012-08-26, 14:10
- Typhoon Tembin 2 - dulan drift, 2012-08-26, 17:08
- Typhoon Tembin 2 - dulan drift, 2012-08-27, 15:31
- Typhoon Tembin 2 - dulan drift, 2012-08-28, 01:42
- Typhoon Tembin 2 - dulan drift, 2012-08-28, 13:43
- Typhoon Tembin 2 - dan, 2012-08-29, 12:33
- Typhoon Tembin 2 - dulan drift, 2012-08-29, 23:30
- Typhoon Tembin 2 - dan, 2012-08-31, 19:10
- Typhoon Tembin 2 - dulan drift, 2012-08-29, 23:30
- Typhoon Tembin 2 - dan, 2012-08-29, 12:33
- Typhoon Tembin 2 - dulan drift, 2012-08-28, 13:43
- Typhoon Tembin 2 - dulan drift, 2012-08-28, 01:42
- Typhoon Tembin 2 - dulan drift, 2012-08-27, 15:31
- Typhoon Tembin 2 - dulan drift, 2012-08-26, 17:08
- Typhoon Tembin 2 - dulan drift, 2012-08-26, 14:10
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-19, 12:31 (General)
- Typhoon Tembin - dan, 2012-08-19, 15:08
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-19, 17:22
- Typhoon Tembin - dan, 2012-08-19, 20:37
- Typhoon Tembin - dan, 2012-08-19, 20:55
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-19, 21:35
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-20, 11:59
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-21, 08:52
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-21, 19:46
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-22, 11:43
- Typhoon Tembin - dan, 2012-08-22, 14:47
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-22, 17:11
- Typhoon Tembin - dan, 2012-08-22, 18:49
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-22, 17:11
- Typhoon Tembin - dan, 2012-08-22, 14:58
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-23, 18:46
- Typhoon Tembin - dan, 2012-08-22, 14:47
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-22, 11:43
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-21, 19:46
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-21, 08:52
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-20, 11:59
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-19, 21:35
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-19, 17:22
- Typhoon Tembin - dan, 2012-08-22, 15:32
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-23, 09:54
- Typhoon Tembin - dan, 2012-08-23, 10:51
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-23, 11:15
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-23, 20:05
- Typhoon Tembin - dan, 2012-08-23, 20:13
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-23, 21:49
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-23, 22:58
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-24, 02:03
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-24, 03:05
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-24, 05:50
- Typhoon Tembin - dan, 2012-08-24, 07:49
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-24, 23:05
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-25, 07:14
- Typhoon Tembin - dan, 2012-08-25, 07:28
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-24, 23:05
- Typhoon Tembin - dan, 2012-08-24, 07:49
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-24, 05:50
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-24, 03:05
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-24, 02:03
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-23, 22:58
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-23, 21:49
- Typhoon Tembin - dan, 2012-08-23, 20:13
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-23, 20:05
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-23, 11:15
- Typhoon Tembin - dan, 2012-08-23, 10:51
- Typhoon Tembin - dulan drift, 2012-08-23, 09:54
- Typhoon Tembin - dan, 2012-08-19, 15:08
- Is this the big one? - dulan drift, 2012-08-17, 19:02 (General)
- Is this the big one? - dan, 2012-08-17, 21:00
- Is this the big one? - dan, 2012-08-17, 21:06
- Is this the big one? - dulan drift, 2012-08-18, 14:05
- Is this the big one? - dan, 2012-08-18, 17:00
- Is this the big one? - dulan drift, 2012-08-18, 17:22
- Is this the big one? 16W - dulan drift, 2012-08-20, 12:11
- Is this the big one? 16W - dan, 2012-08-20, 13:45
- Is this the big one? 16W - dulan drift, 2012-08-20, 14:33
- Is this the big one? 16W-Bolaven - dulan drift, 2012-08-20, 17:03
- Is this the big one? 16W-Bolaven - dan, 2012-08-20, 17:40
- Is this the big one? 16W-Bolaven - dulan drift, 2012-08-20, 19:35
- Is this the big one? 16W-Bolaven - dan, 2012-08-20, 21:53
- Is this the big one? 16W-Bolaven - dulan drift, 2012-08-20, 19:35
- Is this the big one? 16W-Bolaven - dan, 2012-08-20, 17:40
- Is this the big one? 16W - dan, 2012-08-20, 17:38
- Is this the big one? 16W - dulan drift, 2012-08-20, 23:11
- Is this the big one? 16W - dulan drift, 2012-08-21, 13:31
- Is this the big one? 16W - dan, 2012-08-21, 19:18
- Is this the big one? 16W - dulan drift, 2012-08-21, 22:57
- Is this the big one? 16W - dan, 2012-08-22, 07:06
- Is this the big one? 16W-Bolaven - dulan drift, 2012-08-23, 09:44
- Is this the big one? 16W-Bolaven - dan, 2012-08-23, 10:04
- Is this the big one? 16W-Bolaven - dulan drift, 2012-08-23, 11:22
- Is this the big one? 16W-Bolaven - dan, 2012-08-23, 10:04
- Is this the big one? 16W-Bolaven - dulan drift, 2012-08-23, 09:44
- Is this the big one? 16W - dan, 2012-08-22, 07:06
- Is this the big one? 16W - dulan drift, 2012-08-21, 22:57
- Is this the big one? 16W - dan, 2012-08-21, 19:18
- Is this the big one? 16W - dulan drift, 2012-08-21, 13:31
- Is this the big one? 16W - dulan drift, 2012-08-20, 23:11
- Is this the big one? 16W-Bolaven - dulan drift, 2012-08-20, 17:03
- Is this the big one? 16W - dulan drift, 2012-08-20, 14:33
- Is this the big one? 16W - dan, 2012-08-20, 13:45
- Is this the big one? 16W - dulan drift, 2012-08-20, 12:11
- Is this the big one? - dulan drift, 2012-08-18, 17:22
- Is this the big one? - dan, 2012-08-18, 17:00
- Is this the big one? - dulan drift, 2012-08-18, 14:05
- 10% chance of rain? - dulan drift, 2012-08-09, 09:08 (Weather)
- 10% chance of rain? - dulan drift, 2012-08-09, 23:24
- 10% chance of rain? - dan, 2012-08-10, 09:29
- 10% chance of rain? - dulan drift, 2012-08-10, 10:37
- 10% chance of rain? - dan, 2012-08-10, 09:29
- 10% chance of rain? - dulan drift, 2012-08-09, 23:24
- new low pressure - dulan drift, 2012-08-08, 14:14 (Weather)
- new low pressure - dan, 2012-08-08, 20:52
- new low pressure - dulan drift, 2012-08-10, 20:19
- new low pressure - dulan drift, 2012-08-13, 00:47
- new low pressure-Kai-tek - dulan drift, 2012-08-13, 23:30
- new low pressure-Kai-tek - dulan drift, 2012-08-14, 19:56
- new low pressure-Kai-tek - dan, 2012-08-14, 22:32
- new low pressure-Kai-tek - dulan drift, 2012-08-14, 19:56
- new low pressure-Kai-tek - dulan drift, 2012-08-13, 23:30
- new low pressure - dulan drift, 2012-08-13, 00:47
- new low pressure - dulan drift, 2012-08-10, 20:19
- new low pressure - dan, 2012-08-08, 20:52
- Typhoon Haikui - dulan drift, 2012-08-03, 17:26 (General)
- Typhoon Haikui - dan, 2012-08-03, 21:10
- Typhoon Haikui - dulan drift, 2012-08-04, 13:10
- Typhoon Haikui - dulan drift, 2012-08-05, 01:37
- Typhoon Haikui - dan, 2012-08-05, 07:05
- Typhoon Haikui - dulan drift, 2012-08-07, 14:46
- Typhoon Haikui - dan, 2012-08-07, 17:21
- Typhoon Haikui - dulan drift, 2012-08-07, 18:26
- Typhoon Haikui - dan, 2012-08-07, 17:21
- Typhoon Haikui - dulan drift, 2012-08-07, 14:46
- Typhoon Haikui - dan, 2012-08-05, 07:05
- Typhoon Haikui - dulan drift, 2012-08-05, 01:37
- Typhoon Haikui - dulan drift, 2012-08-04, 13:10
- Typhoon Haikui - dan, 2012-08-03, 21:10
- back to business - dulan drift, 2012-07-29, 04:16 (General)
- back to business - dan, 2012-07-29, 08:25
- back to business - dan, 2012-07-29, 22:09
- back to business - Saola - dulan drift, 2012-07-29, 23:28
- back to business - Saola - dulan drift, 2012-07-31, 15:12
- back to business - Saola - dan, 2012-07-31, 15:20
- back to business - Saola - dan, 2012-07-31, 19:22
- back to business - Saola - dan, 2012-07-31, 19:49
- back to business - Saola - dulan drift, 2012-07-31, 20:08
- back to business - Saola - dulan drift, 2012-07-31, 20:36
- back to business - Saola - dan, 2012-07-31, 20:48
- back to business - Saola - dan, 2012-07-31, 20:49
- back to business - Saola - dulan drift, 2012-07-31, 23:56
- back to business - Saola - dan, 2012-08-01, 06:51
- back to business - Saola - dulan drift, 2012-08-01, 09:56
- back to business - Saola - dulan drift, 2012-08-01, 11:17
- back to business - Saola - dan, 2012-08-01, 12:42
- back to business - Saola - dan, 2012-08-01, 14:36
- back to business - Saola - dulan drift, 2012-08-01, 17:13
- back to business - Saola - dulan drift, 2012-08-01, 19:14
- back to business - Saola - dulan drift, 2012-08-02, 01:48
- back to business - Saola - dan, 2012-08-02, 10:40
- back to business - Saola - dan, 2012-08-02, 10:56
- back to business - Saola - dulan drift, 2012-08-02, 14:21
- back to business - Saola - dan, 2012-08-02, 16:51
- back to business - Saola - dulan drift, 2012-08-02, 14:21
- back to business - Saola - dan, 2012-08-02, 10:56
- back to business - Saola - dan, 2012-08-02, 10:40
- back to business - Saola - dulan drift, 2012-08-02, 01:48
- back to business - Saola - dulan drift, 2012-08-01, 19:14
- back to business - Saola - dulan drift, 2012-08-01, 17:13
- back to business - Saola - dulan drift, 2012-08-01, 11:17
- back to business - Saola - dulan drift, 2012-08-01, 09:56
- back to business - Saola - dan, 2012-08-01, 06:51
- back to business - Saola - dulan drift, 2012-07-31, 23:56
- back to business - Saola - dulan drift, 2012-07-31, 20:36
- back to business - Saola - dulan drift, 2012-07-31, 20:08
- back to business - Saola - dulan drift, 2012-07-31, 15:12
- back to business - Saola - dulan drift, 2012-07-29, 23:28
- Weather for 7.28 Fudafudak Concert - dulan drift, 2012-07-22, 19:12 (Weather)
- Weather for 7.28 Fudafudak Concert - dan, 2012-07-23, 14:20
- Weather for 7.28 Fudafudak Concert - dulan drift, 2012-07-23, 15:01
- Weather for 7.28 Fudafudak Concert - dulan drift, 2012-07-23, 17:40
- Weather for 7.28 Fudafudak Concert - dan, 2012-07-23, 19:55
- Weather for 7.28 Fudafudak Concert - dulan drift, 2012-07-25, 16:55
- Weather for 7.28 Fudafudak Concert - dulan drift, 2012-07-25, 17:03
- Weather for 7.28 Fudafudak Concert - dan, 2012-07-26, 21:10
- Weather for 7.28 Fudafudak Concert - dulan drift, 2012-07-28, 14:19
- Weather for 7.28 Fudafudak Concert - dulan drift, 2012-07-30, 11:22
- Weather for 7.28 Fudafudak Concert - dulan drift, 2012-07-28, 14:19
- Weather for 7.28 Fudafudak Concert - dulan drift, 2012-07-25, 16:55
- Weather for 7.28 Fudafudak Concert - dan, 2012-07-23, 19:55
- Weather for 7.28 Fudafudak Concert - dulan drift, 2012-07-23, 17:40
- Weather for 7.28 Fudafudak Concert - dulan drift, 2012-07-23, 15:01
- Weather for 7.28 Fudafudak Concert - dan, 2012-07-23, 14:20
- A possible maybe? - dulan drift, 2012-07-12, 11:28 (Weather)
- A possible maybe? - dan, 2012-07-12, 11:36
- A possible maybe? - dan, 2012-07-12, 16:47
- A possible maybe? - dulan drift, 2012-07-13, 01:21
- A possible maybe? - dulan drift, 2012-07-14, 16:22
- A possible maybe? - dan, 2012-07-14, 20:27
- A possible maybe? - dulan drift, 2012-07-15, 01:20
- A possible maybe? - dan, 2012-07-14, 20:27
- A possible maybe? - dulan drift, 2012-07-14, 16:22
- A possible maybe? - dulan drift, 2012-07-13, 01:21
- Low pressure building-June26 - dulan drift, 2012-06-26, 23:14 (Weather)
- Low pressure building-June26 - dulan drift, 2012-06-28, 15:06
- Low pressure building-June26 - dan, 2012-06-28, 22:18
- Low pressure building-June26 - dulan drift, 2012-06-29, 09:18
- Low pressure building-June26 - dan, 2012-06-29, 22:16
- Low pressure building-June26 - dulan drift, 2012-06-30, 01:52
- Low pressure building-June26 - dan, 2012-06-29, 22:16
- Low pressure building-June26 - dulan drift, 2012-06-29, 09:18
- Low pressure building-June26 - dan, 2012-06-28, 22:18
- Low pressure building-June26 - dulan drift, 2012-06-28, 15:06
- Tropical Storm Talim - A repeat of 1959? - dulan drift, 2012-06-18, 14:04 (Weather)
- Tropical Storm Talim - A repeat of 1959? - dulan drift, 2012-06-19, 09:32
- Tropical Storm Talim - A repeat of 1959? - dan, 2012-06-19, 10:01
- Tropical Storm Talim - A repeat of 1959? - dan, 2012-06-19, 11:03
- Tropical Storm Talim - A repeat of 1959? - dan, 2012-06-19, 11:49
- Tropical Storm Talim - A repeat of 1959? - dan, 2012-06-19, 18:41
- Tropical Storm Talim - A repeat of 1959? - dulan drift, 2012-06-19, 19:18
- Tropical Storm Talim - A repeat of 1959? - dan, 2012-06-19, 20:52
- Tropical Storm Talim - A repeat of 1959? - dulan drift, 2012-06-19, 22:04
- Tropical Storm Talim - A repeat of 1959? - dan, 2012-06-20, 08:27
- Tropical Storm Talim - A repeat of 1959? - dulan drift, 2012-06-20, 09:22
- Tropical Storm Talim - A repeat of 1959? - dan, 2012-06-20, 08:27
- Tropical Storm Talim - A repeat of 1959? - dulan drift, 2012-06-19, 22:04
- Tropical Storm Talim - A repeat of 1959? - dan, 2012-06-19, 20:52
- Tropical Storm Talim - A repeat of 1959? - dulan drift, 2012-06-19, 22:31
- Tropical Storm Talim - A repeat of 1959? - dulan drift, 2012-06-19, 19:18
- Tropical Storm Talim - A repeat of 1959? - dulan drift, 2012-06-19, 09:32
- Driftwood from Big Mei Yu Event - dulan drift, 2012-06-15, 14:13 (General)
- Driftwood from Big Mei Yu Event - dan, 2012-06-15, 15:01
- Driftwood from Big Mei Yu Event - dulan drift, 2012-06-15, 16:33
- Driftwood from Big Mei Yu Event - dan, 2012-06-15, 17:40
- Driftwood from Big Mei Yu Event - dulan drift, 2012-06-15, 16:33
- Driftwood from Big Mei Yu Event - dan, 2012-06-15, 15:01
- Typhoon Guchol - dulan drift, 2012-06-13, 10:07 (Weather)
- Typhoon Guchol - dan, 2012-06-13, 20:26
- Typhoon Guchol - dulan drift, 2012-06-14, 10:45
- Typhoon Guchol - dan, 2012-06-14, 17:34
- Typhoon Guchol - dulan drift, 2012-06-14, 18:54
- Typhoon Guchol - dan, 2012-06-16, 20:46
- Typhoon Guchol - dan, 2012-06-17, 10:43
- Typhoon Guchol - dulan drift, 2012-06-17, 16:53
- Typhoon Guchol - dan, 2012-06-17, 10:43
- Typhoon Guchol - dan, 2012-06-16, 20:46
- Typhoon Guchol - dulan drift, 2012-06-14, 18:54
- Typhoon Guchol - dan, 2012-06-14, 17:34
- Typhoon Guchol - dulan drift, 2012-06-14, 10:45
- Typhoon Guchol - dan, 2012-06-13, 20:26
- 6.5 Quake off Ilan-June10 - dulan drift, 2012-06-11, 04:00 (General)
- 6.5 Quake off Ilan-June10 - dan, 2012-06-11, 09:13
- 6.5 Quake off Ilan-June10 - dulan drift, 2012-06-19, 22:25
- 6.5 Quake off Ilan-June10 - dan, 2012-06-11, 09:13
- 5.9 earthquake off Taidong Coast - dulan drift, 2012-06-06, 19:20 (General)
- 5.9 earthquake offTaidong Coast - dan, 2012-06-06, 21:00
- 5.9 earthquake offTaidong Coast - dulan drift, 2012-06-06, 23:23
- 5.9 earthquake offTaidong Coast - dan, 2012-06-08, 19:54
- 5.9 earthquake offTaidong Coast - dan, 2012-06-09, 20:38
- 5.9 earthquake offTaidong Coast - dulan drift, 2012-06-06, 23:23
- 5.9 earthquake offTaidong Coast - dan, 2012-06-06, 21:00
- typhoon mawar - dulan drift, 2012-06-03, 10:37 (Weather)
- typhoon mawar - dan, 2012-06-03, 14:00
- typhoon mawar - dan, 2012-06-03, 14:52
- typhoon mawar - dulan drift, 2012-06-03, 16:05
- typhoon mawar - dan, 2012-06-03, 21:55
- typhoon mawar - dulan drift, 2012-06-04, 20:23
- typhoon mawar - dulan drift, 2012-06-05, 20:12
- typhoon mawar - dan, 2012-06-05, 20:24
- typhoon mawar - dulan drift, 2012-06-06, 10:48
- typhoon mawar - dan, 2012-06-05, 20:24
- typhoon mawar - dulan drift, 2012-06-05, 20:12
- typhoon mawar - dulan drift, 2012-06-04, 20:23
- typhoon mawar - dan, 2012-06-03, 21:55
- typhoon mawar - dulan drift, 2012-06-03, 16:05
- Protest Against Mirimar Hotel on Shan Yuan Beach, - dulan drift, 2012-06-02, 10:41 (General)
- Protest Against Mirimar Hotel on Shan Yuan Beach, - dan, 2012-06-02, 13:54
- Waterspouts off coast of Dong He? - dulan drift, 2012-05-30, 20:27 (Weather)
- Waterspouts off coast of Dong He? - dan, 2012-06-01, 13:17
- Waterspouts off coast of Dong He? - dulan drift, 2012-06-01, 21:04
- Waterspouts off coast of Dong He? - dan, 2012-06-01, 13:17
- Cultural Flood Myths - dulan drift, 2012-05-21, 21:49 (General)
- Cultural Flood Myths - dan, 2012-05-22, 19:24
- Cultural Flood Myths - dulan drift, 2012-05-22, 23:17
- Cultural Flood Myths - dan, 2012-05-28, 18:30
- Cultural Flood Myths - dulan drift, 2012-05-22, 23:17
- Cultural Flood Myths - dan, 2012-05-22, 19:24
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2 - dulan drift, 2012-05-16, 22:58 (Weather)
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2 - dan, 2012-05-17, 07:21
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2 - dan, 2012-05-17, 09:07
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2 - dulan drift, 2012-05-17, 21:08
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2 - dulan drift, 2012-05-20, 10:14
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2 - dulan drift, 2012-05-28, 13:11
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2 - dan, 2012-05-28, 18:14
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2 - dulan drift, 2012-05-28, 22:33
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2 - dulan drift, 2012-05-29, 19:32
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2- June10 deluge - dulan drift, 2012-06-11, 03:29
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2- June10 deluge - dulan drift, 2012-06-12, 06:30
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2- June10 deluge - dan, 2012-06-12, 15:24
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2- June10 deluge - dan, 2012-06-12, 17:28
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2- June10 deluge - dan, 2012-06-12, 17:34
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2- June10 deluge - dulan drift, 2012-06-12, 18:05
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2- June10 deluge - dulan drift, 2012-06-12, 19:52
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2- June10 deluge - dan, 2012-06-12, 20:55
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2- June10 deluge - dan, 2012-06-12, 20:43
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2- June10 deluge - dulan drift, 2012-06-14, 13:11
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2- June10 deluge - dan, 2012-06-15, 13:28
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2- June10 deluge - dulan drift, 2012-06-15, 14:01
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2- June10 deluge - dan, 2012-06-15, 15:51
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2- The End - dulan drift, 2012-06-22, 18:55
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2- June10 deluge - dan, 2012-06-15, 15:51
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2- June10 deluge - dulan drift, 2012-06-15, 14:01
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2- June10 deluge - dan, 2012-06-15, 13:28
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2- June10 deluge - dulan drift, 2012-06-14, 13:11
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2- June10 deluge - dulan drift, 2012-06-12, 19:52
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2- June10 deluge - dulan drift, 2012-06-12, 18:05
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2- June10 deluge - dulan drift, 2012-06-12, 06:30
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2- June10 deluge - dulan drift, 2012-06-11, 03:29
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2 - dulan drift, 2012-05-29, 19:32
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2 - dulan drift, 2012-05-28, 22:33
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2 - dan, 2012-05-28, 18:14
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2 - dulan drift, 2012-05-28, 13:11
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2 - dulan drift, 2012-05-20, 10:14
- South meets north - Mei yu pt 2 - dulan drift, 2012-05-17, 21:08
- Yilan gets 500+ - dan, 2012-05-13, 08:05 (Weather)
- Yilan gets 500+ - dulan drift, 2012-05-13, 20:48
- Big storm cell - dulan drift, 2012-05-09, 23:16 (Weather)
- Big storm cell - dan, 2012-05-11, 22:07
- growing asparagus in taiwan - dulan drift, 2012-05-07, 22:27 (Plants)
- growing asparagus in taiwan - dan, 2012-05-08, 07:53
- growing asparagus in taiwan - dulan drift, 2012-05-08, 09:20
- growing asparagus in taiwan - dan, 2012-05-08, 07:53
- driftwood and currents - dulan drift, 2012-05-01, 23:08 (General)
- driftwood and currents - dan, 2012-05-05, 16:15
- driftwood and currents - dulan drift, 2012-05-05, 21:56
- driftwood and currents - dan, 2012-05-07, 15:48
- driftwood and currents - dulan drift, 2012-05-08, 20:43
- driftwood and currents - dan, 2012-05-09, 20:32
- driftwood and currents - dulan drift, 2012-05-08, 20:43
- driftwood and currents - dan, 2012-05-07, 15:48
- driftwood and currents - dulan drift, 2012-05-05, 21:56
- driftwood and currents - dan, 2012-05-05, 16:15