War in Taiwan 2025 - Tariffs (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 10:23 (1 day, 17 hours, 39 min. ago) @ dulan drift

It's hard to think of a better window for the invasion of Taiwan than right now.

1. Trump has blown-up traditional ally relationships mitigating against a united response - in fact China will be seen as a better, more reliable partner by many countries.

2. He has no political morality - so he's unlikely to care if Taiwan is invaded - in fact he may prefer it. He (& other leaders) actually likes dealing with totalitarian regimes - less moving parts, meaning they (Xi, Putin, Trump/Musk, Kim Jong-un) can play their grand theatre performance without disruption from smaller (democratic) actors.

3. CCP's blockade tactics have been rehearsed & are ready to roll.

4. It's not typhoon season - doubt they'd undertake a massive operation if a typhoon could ruin all their planning.

5. If not now, when? China currently holds all the best economic cards - enough to cripple countries that oppose it. That may not last forever.

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