7.2 Earthquake Hualien (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Saturday, April 06, 2024, 06:05 (160 days ago) @ dan

Romaine & Lou (& tribe) are fine. Seems it wasn't so intense to the south.

Got friends in Taipei on the 23rd floor who had the whole poltergeist experience where the cupboards fling open & the crockery comes flying out. Very scary when things start smashing.

Crazy footage of cars playing Russian roulette with boulders on the Su Hwa Highway. That road is dangerous at the best of times - i've always dreaded being on it during an earthquake.

The drivers somehow escaped with their lives.


Looking at CWB's earthquake catalog, they're been having a 3-4M tremor (quite feelable) every 10 minutes for the last two days - with a couple of 5s thrown in. That's gotta be nerve-shredding.

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