Nanmadol divergent tracks (Weather)
I think it's typhoon wind. We were just out tonight watching the low clouds get sucked down the coast, very quickly. Meanwhile, we have winds coming down the 'river' (large creek) valley behind us. It seems to be a pressure thing going on. The winds are now increasingly from the north, and we're getting more clouds and a little rain.
I noticed a distinct change in the winds yesterday (Thursday). This looks like it could be a good storm, but then it is already a 'super' typhoon.
I was at the beach today, the one near you where the windsurfers go, around 3:00, and man there were some massive waves building well off shore. I don't know how to judge wave size, but I would have guessed some of them were pushing six or seven feet, which is big for here, right? The windsurfers seemed to be having problems. I didn't actually see anybody surf, just one guy trying to get out and getting blown back in.
So, yea, I think this is typhoon action we're seeing.