Cyclone Albo* (Alfred) (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Friday, March 07, 2025, 08:47 (7 days ago) @ dulan drift

As you can see, it's no monster storm - Cat 2, due to downgrade to cat-1. It is typhoony - wind gusting up then dying down - but probably not much more than 60-70kph at this stage. Couple of saplings down but no major trees so far. Power went out at 8am this morning.

Rain is the major concern. The creek is flooding, but not at 22 levels yet. All depends on where the bands feed into. We're currently in the firing line of a middle-band, but it's loosely structured so there might be a significant gap between this & the inner-band.

Where the inner band feeds into will be important - hopefully it's not right here - as it's the inner-band is tighter, it might contract further towards the eye, which is further north. I hope so.

Once the eye crosses, i'm hopeful that it will be all over.

As is normal, the biggest rain is to the south of eye - right where i am. We're over 250 mm so far - anything more than that & it starts to get problematic. We could handle another 100, but not another 500+, which is quite possible.


I'm in Nimbin, which is about 30km due west from Cape Byron.


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