Typhoon Kong-rey (Weather)

by dulan drift ⌂, Monday, October 28, 2024, 17:29 (108 days ago) @ dulan drift

I may have slightly over-predicted the impacts of Krathon on the south east coast, but it did dump 1000+mm of rain there, now this is shaping-up as a double-whammy effect.

There were also heavy rains caused by Trami that went south a few days ago, which did cause landslides - the soil couldn't be more saturated. A directish hit from a serious typhoon is not what you need right now.

Two days ago it was forecast to pass harmlessly out to sea off the east coast. Once the model/algorithms start correcting themselves, they rarely do it one leap - it's invariably a gradual pendulum-swing thing, though we're probably getting towards the southerly limits of that arc right now. It's currently aimed directly at Taitung City.

According to the Weather Charts, the sub-tropical-ridge (High north of Taiwan) has built in hard, pushing Kong-rey west. But: a cold-front is meant to open up a weakness in the ridge, into which Kong-rey will slip through to accomplish every low pressure's goal - head towards the nearest pole.

The net result of that could be the track splits Taiwan up the spine as it travels north. Apart from the Taitung impact, that's a path that can also cause massive accumulated rain in the north.


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