Climate Change - a reassessment (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Thursday, September 14, 2023, 14:16 (518 days ago)

Been reading a few articles questioning the mainstream wisdom of human-caused climate change.

I've felt for a long time that global-warming proponents have somewhat hijacked the pollution debate. For me the general rule is: all pollution is problematic - coz it pollutes - so it makes sense to limit it wherever we can. Doesn't matter whether that is consumption trash, smoke, or chemicals - or even noise & light pollution.

With the advent of THE Covid Lie, my skepticism has grown. At the very least, Covid proves that THE World's Leading Experts have zero problems telling whoppers to the world to advance their own self-interests. In short, they can't be trusted. On anything.

Therefore: you gotta question everything they've purported - it'd be foolish not to

Global Warming (later changed to the catch-all of Climate Change) is a great vehicle for those who would wish to manipulate Globo-Thought. Performed by those who sit on Globo-ORGS.

People have always been prone to believing doomsday scenarios regarding the natural environment (if you've ever experienced a big earthquake you'll know why - it's literally seismic). We're inclined to be fatalistic - that's why we have the word fate.

(side note: if you believe in - fate - you believe in game-simulation theory)

Climate Change offered a neat way to harness/package that human emotion as a product. Then Monopolize it - by Scientizing it.

It involves fear as well an intangible omnipotent presence - similar to any God/Devil in any religion. Same as THE Church they Game-of-Throned.

Elevating THE Event to a 'crisis' then allows rules/economies to be made around it, whilst boosting the power-bases of those making the rules. Covid was/is a classic example - one of Dan Andrews's catch-phrases was The Vaccinated Economy

Now, none of this is to say that our climate is not changing - it is - but that's actually normal. There was a Little Ice Age as recent as 1850, whilst some researchers conclude it was warmer 1000 years ago than it is now.

We may well be heading towards a dramatic change - from my observations, things do seem more erratic. But people insisting that their explanation for it is the right one - & censoring all others - that worries me.

One theory that makes sense is that the orbit of the earth around the sun changes - it's not actually exactly the same year after year - it's elliptical - it gets the wobbles - as you would if you were hurtling through space. Patterns form in those wobbles - it varies/trends/spikes on THE Spectrum over time

Other variables include cloud-cover, which is related to the amount of sun reflecting off the ice poles. The two locked in a duel til eternity for supremacy, apparently. I like the imagery at least. The catch is: when one gets the upper-hand, it's strength becomes it's liability. Which allows the other to wrest back momentum. & so on ...

Recently, 1609 scientists, including a Nobel prize winner, signed a statement saying:

Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific. Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures.

This de-sciencing of Science in favour of a political agenda, whilst insisting they are THE Science and shouting down anyone who questions them, is the exact same thing we saw during Covid.

Read another article where a Prof I. Fagetiz Naime was saying that unless you toe-the-line on the official climate change narrative, then forget about getting your research published in any of the Big-Scio mags.

Therefore, most (not all) of THE Craven Scientific Community will practice self-censorship. To which the above Prof admitted/whistle-blew.

That's not healthy in terms of getting to the truth of the matter if those we're paying to valiantly get it, are too scared.

In Covid's case we saw that: Truth became something to be feared by scientists, to be covered-up

You can deduce that thinking/culture didn't appear out of the blue: due to Covid

It was already there.

The main-frame function of Big-Science is to entrench itself as: THE Power-ORG


  • I don't know all the causes of long term climate/seismic activity. Pretty sure nobody does.
  • Oil ORG is a corrupt Globo-Influencer/GODS - this is not a defense of The Bush/Saudi dynasty.

Climate Change - a reassessment

by dan, Thursday, September 21, 2023, 08:47 (511 days ago) @ dulan drift

One thing I'll add to this whole discussion is that the climate change, what, movement? It is creating entire new industries, money making industries, and one of the most elitist with the highest potential for profit is that of carbon credits. It's an enormous industry, and yet, it's rarely talked about. It's bizarre, really. The whole model shouts corruption and manipulation, with money being funneled straight to the power centers. And, let's note that it's essentially doubling (by method, not $, maybe more by $) the payments on energy -- pay when you get it and pay when you use it.

There are carbon credits and carbon offsets. Carbon offsets, if I understand it correctly, are 'credits' one can earn by capturing carbon, but of course this will be only implemented by huge corporations. Those offsets can then be sold to the poor fuckers who can't afford the newest, energy efficient factories, or to the rich fuckers who don't care about any of it anyway. It's a scheme, a scam.

There are shared concepts between the above comments, the article and this interview about the history of money. His point is that energy is a good thing, it's what has allowed us to progress as a species, and to now say it's a bad thing is absurd, particularly if we ask 3rd world countries to cut down on its use, thereby remaining poor and under-developed, and hence easy to maintain control over.

I think this is all part of the same plays to control. Control energy. Control money (which they are sort of losing control over due to physics and math). Control people.

Climate Change - a reassessment

by dulan drift ⌂, Sunday, September 24, 2023, 09:29 (508 days ago) @ dan

One thing I'll add to this whole discussion is that the climate change, what, movement? It is creating entire new industries, money making industries, and one of the most elitist with the highest potential for profit is that of carbon credits. It's an enormous industry, and yet, it's rarely talked about. It's bizarre, really. The whole model shouts corruption and manipulation, with money being funneled straight to the power centers. And, let's note that it's essentially doubling (by method, not $, maybe more by $) the payments on energy -- pay when you get it and pay when you use it.

There are carbon credits and carbon offsets. Carbon offsets, if I understand it correctly, are 'credits' one can earn by capturing carbon, but of course this will be only implemented by huge corporations. Those offsets can then be sold to the poor fuckers who can't afford the newest, energy efficient factories, or to the rich fuckers who don't care about any of it anyway. It's a scheme, a scam.

That's interesting. I didn't understand how that works. As we've discussed before, once powerful industries (ORGS) form, they soon take on a life of their own - with the primary drive being to enrich/entrench themselves.

There's been a lot of wealth redistribution recently & this is another example. In Aus it's over $8 per gallon for petrol now, while electricity has gone up about 40% in the last couple of years alone. Tax is calculated as a percentage of this, so of course it has also gone through the roof.

There are shared concepts between the above comments, the article and this interview about the history of money. His point is that energy is a good thing, it's what has allowed us to progress as a species, and to now say it's a bad thing is absurd, particularly if we ask 3rd world countries to cut down on its use, thereby remaining poor and under-developed, and hence easy to maintain control over.

I think this is all part of the same plays to control. Control energy. Control money (which they are sort of losing control over due to physics and math). Control people.

Yep, control/influence. The more centralized it becomes, the less of it the poor old individual has. There's a direct relationship.

Climate Change - Recipe for Corruption

by dulan drift ⌂, Monday, September 25, 2023, 06:37 (507 days ago) @ dulan drift

It is creating entire new industries, money making industries, and one of the most elitist with the highest potential for profit is that of carbon credits. It's an enormous industry, and yet, it's rarely talked about. It's bizarre, really. The whole model shouts corruption and manipulation, with money being funneled straight to the power centers. >

Yes, it's a recipe for corruption - which made me wonder - is there an actual recipe for corruption for ORGS? One that you can write down?

The key ingredients are power/money & non-accountability/secrecy. Put those things together & it's a one-way trip to unethical outcomes.

The above describes many (all?) of the ORGS that currently shape our lives. All the global-bodies (UN, WHO, WEF, World Bank etc), THE Science & Health Experts, National Security groups, Bureaucratic Deep States, Energy cartels (incl Climate Change Industry), THE Media ...

A cynic might say that all ORGS tend towards corruption - even seemingly benign or good-willed ones. Which is why transparency is so important. It's important for normal people so they can assess what the heck these actors are up to - but it's also important for the actors coz they know transparency is a power-limiter - so they are striving to have as little transparency as possible. It's the pivotal battle.

Climate Change - Recipe for Corruption

by dan, Saturday, September 30, 2023, 19:07 (502 days ago) @ dulan drift

I would add to your list. So far, you've identified:

- money
- non-accountability/secrecy

I would add:

Perceived necessity for the ORG, a perception that the ORG usually creates, but sometimes the ORG creates an actual need for this necessity. An example of this would be cars in the US. It's literally impossible to live even in most cities in the US without a car. There was a time when trains were ubiquitous in the US. Another example of this is GMO crops.

We have the 'war on terror' which is permanent, and which has morphed into the war on pathogens and viruses.

And there's something very profound happening right now that is setting the stage for the next big push into whatever privacy, freedom, and self determination we have left, and that is AI.

What's happening with AI right now dwarfs, well, everything. Let's take it on a simple level. Copyright. AI has done away with copyright, completely, already. This Hollywood writer's strike that was recently resolved? That's a last gasp effort to hold back what's coming.

And why? How? I've never been a fan of copyright, in fact I'm against it. But if I were to do what these AI corporations are doing, I'd be sued into poverty. But they are being celebrated.

This is going places that are very, very bad. That's not to say the tech is bad. It's agnostic and can do a great deal of good. But in the hands of ORGS, AI is their wet dream.

Here's an example. I plugged the following into chatgpt just now. Click on the links for results.

PROMPT: Write a summary in no more than 300 words of statistics surrounding the Morokot typhoon in Taiwan.

PROMPT: Write a summary in no more than 300 words of statistics surrounding the Morokot typhoon in Taiwan and provide references for your statistics.

The prompts are identical save for the second one asking for references. My point is that the first one is publishing this information without references. It's classic plagiarism. But the excuse is going to be, as it has always been, "It's the computer's fault," or, more likely, "It's the fault of the person who wrote the prompt." But what that misses is that the AI machine gathered this information for publication without the permission of the authors.

This is an overly simplified example of how AI is going to essentially rape people of their hard work.

Climate Change - Recipe for Corruption

by dulan drift ⌂, Thursday, October 12, 2023, 18:31 (490 days ago) @ dan

Wow! That's a post for THE Ages. So much gravitas, it's mentally trying to even reply, hence the delay.

I would add to your list. So far, you've identified:

- money
- non-accountability/secrecy

I would add:

Perceived necessity for the ORG, a perception that the ORG usually creates, but sometimes the ORG creates an actual need for this necessity. An example of this would be cars in the US. It's literally impossible to live even in most cities in the US without a car. There was a time when trains were ubiquitous in the US. Another example of this is GMO crops.

Spot on. It's amassing enough power to: create markets - then exercising that power & so on ...
I wonder about Internet Security ORGS, such as McAfee, in that light.

We have the 'war on terror' which is permanent, and which has morphed into the war on pathogens and viruses.

That was prescient. THE War on Terror just got a booster shot.

And there's something very profound happening right now that is setting the stage for the next big push into whatever privacy, freedom, and self determination we have left, and that is AI.

What's happening with AI right now dwarfs, well, everything.

There's the twixt bit - Existential Threat is an overused buzzword - but here we've got the ultimate one! Not too many people care ...
It's almost like we're programmed to accept it - submit? Entered a zone where a cultural hippocampus takes over. It's all in the terms & conditions. Meanwhile keep the Plato's Cave entertainment projection rolling on the back wall ...

Let's take it on a simple level. Copyright. AI has done away with copyright, completely, already. This Hollywood writer's strike that was recently resolved? That's a last gasp effort to hold back what's coming.

And why? How? I've never been a fan of copyright, in fact I'm against it. But if I were to do what these AI corporations are doing, I'd be sued into poverty. But they are being celebrated.

Illustrates that laws are: Of The Elites, by The Elites, for The People. To control em. They don't actually apply to our governors.

This is going places that are very, very bad. That's not to say the tech is bad. It's agnostic and can do a great deal of good. But in the hands of ORGS, AI is their wet dream.

Here's an example. I plugged the following into chatgpt just now. Click on the links for results.

PROMPT: Write a summary in no more than 300 words of statistics surrounding the Morokot typhoon in Taiwan.

PROMPT: Write a summary in no more than 300 words of statistics surrounding the Morokot typhoon in Taiwan and provide references for your statistics.

The prompts are identical save for the second one asking for references. My point is that the first one is publishing this information without references. It's classic plagiarism. But the excuse is going to be, as it has always been, "It's the computer's fault," or, more likely, "It's the fault of the person who wrote the prompt." But what that misses is that the AI machine gathered this information for publication without the permission of the authors.

That's it. Humans are undergoing de-influencing from ORGS/AI. It's being stolen from us. It's happening crazy fast. But paradoxically, in a gradual swamping way ... where by the time you realize it's happening, it's too late.

This is an overly simplified example of how AI is going to essentially rape people of their hard work

That's coz it is simple. It's virtual writing-on-the-wall. It's permeating everywhere you look. The tricky bit is: getting enough people to care so as to stop it.

Well, that's not even possible, but shaping/regulating it's mega-emergence ... as the last of the humans? What's your recipe for that?

(Note: Game simulation does explain this situation pretty well)

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