Robert Kennedy Jr (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Monday, May 08, 2023, 07:07 (489 days ago)

Dan would know more than me, but Robert Kennedy is the only person i've seen that offers a genuine point of difference in the US Presidential election.

He's game to talk about the bleeding obvious - which may not seem like a big deal - but in a flat-earth society where the bleeding obvious is banned - that's important.

He's raised intelligent questions about the origin of Covid, as well as vaccines & lockdowns. He makes the reasonable point that big-pharma is not to be trusted.

I now see that he's prepared to lift the lid on the JFK assassination - which, as we've discussed before, is likely one of the key mega-lies from history that set the precedent for other mega-lies to follow - such as Iraq War 2 & The Covid Atrocity. In fact, it made mega-lying standard operating procedure.

Kennedy: There is overwhelming evidence that the CIA was involved in his murder. I think it’s beyond a reasonable doubt at this point. The evidence is overwhelming that the CIA was involved in the murder, and in the cover-up

Again, all he's saying is stuff that most people think, but he's a rare prominent figure (& nephew) who's prepared to voice it.

I'll be interested to see how he goes. Maybe it's wishful thinking on my part, but i'm hopeful that's gonna resonate. He'll be facing a huge battle against MSM, who will refuse to cover most of his views, but he has the name-recognition to break through that.

Last poll i checked he was around 20% against Biden - that's not too bad considering the MSM headwinds. With the Primaries, the media is forced to cover him to some extent. He's up against a cardboard cutout - so it's not impossible his numbers could start snowballing.

Excitement is contagious, so if he can build on the momentum he's already generated, we might have someone who can shake things up.

Robert Kennedy Jr

by dulan drift ⌂, Wednesday, May 10, 2023, 07:00 (487 days ago) @ dulan drift

Kennedy: We’re cutting welfare and food stamps by 90 percent, we’re bailing out the bankers, and paying for a war we can’t afford,” Kennedy said. “The way we do this is by printing money. We’ve printed 10 centuries of money in the last 14 years. That causes inflation, which raises food costs. It’s a tax on the poor …

We’re cutting people’s food stamps and bailing out banks in the same month. It doesn’t make any sense. We need to get rid of this corporate control over our government. Our democracy is devolving into a kind of corporate plutocracy

With those kind of views, Kennedy is the nightmare candidate for the establishment - no wonder he gets censored/vilified across the board.

I used to scan Murdoch/Black Rock press for stories on the origin of Covid or vaccines as it was the only MSM that would even mention this world-altering event, albeit rarely. It's interesting to note that since Carlson was fired, there's been zero mention of the C-word in any shape or form. I'm starting to think that was the main reason for firing him.

Edit: I see Kennedy has a few skeletons in his closet - mostly dating back to the 80s-90s - relating to drugs & womanizing. But considering he had to endure his uncle, then his father getting murdered, he probably deserves a bit of leeway.

Robert Kennedy Jr

by dan, Friday, May 19, 2023, 15:51 (477 days ago) @ dulan drift

It's interesting to note that since Carlson was fired, there's been zero mention of the C-word in any shape or form. I'm starting to think that was the main reason for firing him.

I came across this interview on Carlson with Jimmy Dore. It's bizarre, really, again an example of the left, which overwhelmingly supports the war in Ukraine, reversing roles with voices showing up on the right media which is denouncing war, and in this case, war with China as well.

I can remember when the left was anti-war and the right pro-war. It wasn't so long ago. Of course, the MSM will say that the right is now taking an anti-war stance because they're pro Russia, while the left is taking a pro-war stance because they're anti-fascist.

I wonder, then, where the left stands on a possible war with China over Taiwan? Who's the main fascist there? Or would it be two wannabe fascist states battling it out? And if that were the case, the only support should be an anti-war one.

We live in interesting times!

Robert Kennedy Jr

by dan, Friday, May 19, 2023, 16:02 (477 days ago) @ dulan drift

Dan would know more than me, but Robert Kennedy is the only person i've seen that offers a genuine point of difference in the US Presidential election.

Actually, I haven't been following him closely, but I am familiar with his stands and controversial standing.

He's game to talk about the bleeding obvious - which may not seem like a big deal - but in a flat-earth society where the bleeding obvious is banned - that's important.

Yeah, but here's the thing. The Man has gotten so good at what it does that it can squash such personalities so easily. I mean in a soundbite it can kill someone's character. "He's a conspiracy theorist." Done. "He's anti-vax." Really done. He might as well be the plague personified.

He's raised intelligent questions about the origin of Covid, as well as vaccines & lockdowns. He makes the reasonable point that big-pharma is not to be trusted.

Yes! Indeed! But, again, the Man controls thought through social standing. It knows that individual are controlled through the acceptability of their thoughts. The threat of shame is almost as powerful as that of death, even more so for some people.

I now see that he's prepared to lift the lid on the JFK assassination - which, as we've discussed before, is likely one of the key mega-lies from history that set the precedent for other mega-lies to follow - such as Iraq War 2 & The Covid Atrocity. In fact, it made mega-lying standard operating procedure.

The thing about JFK is that all of those who remember it as part of their lives are dying off. It's a generational thing. Soon, when everyone over 50 or so today is dead, nobody will give a shit. Sad, but true. And the Man knows that.

Again, all he's saying is stuff that most people think, but he's a rare prominent figure (& nephew) who's prepared to voice it.

And that's why he can get away with it. He has the clout. You or I would just get scratched off people's Christmas card list.

I'll be interested to see how he goes. Maybe it's wishful thinking on my part, but i'm hopeful that's gonna resonate. He'll be facing a huge battle against MSM, who will refuse to cover most of his views, but he has the name-recognition to break through that.

I hope as well. Maybe I'm too pessimistic about human nature and potential. I hope I am.

Last poll i checked he was around 20% against Biden - that's not too bad considering the MSM headwinds. With the Primaries, the media is forced to cover him to some extent. He's up against a cardboard cutout - so it's not impossible his numbers could start snowballing.

Excitement is contagious, so if he can build on the momentum he's already generated, we might have someone who can shake things up.

You're right! Trump was not taken seriously shortly before he won.


by dulan drift ⌂, Saturday, May 20, 2023, 06:46 (477 days ago) @ dan

Yeah, but here's the thing. The Man has gotten so good at what it does that it can squash such personalities so easily. I mean in a soundbite it can kill someone's character. "He's a conspiracy theorist." Done. "He's anti-vax." Really done. He might as well be the plague personified.

Saw a good one recently - someone was labelled a 'rabbit-hole conspiracy theorist' - which not only takes care of their view, but all the research they'd done to support it!

The MAN controls thought through social standing. It knows that individual are controlled through the acceptability of their thoughts. The threat of shame is almost as powerful as that of death, even more so for some people.

That's a good point. Unwanted truths are cloaked in a thick sludge of social disapproval, so that even mentioning them requires the mentioner to endure a wave of opprobrium. Which most people don't want. So you say nothing.

An example is the poetry night that i've been going to for nearly 3 years. Although several readers do (safe) political stuff, there's only one other guy who's ever uttered the C-word. For me, that's weird in itself. I still talk about it coz as Diogenes (follower of Socrates who co-founded Cynicism as a philosophy) said: If a philosopher is not prepared to be provocative, then what's the point?.

But it's a strange experience reading C-word related poems. Last time, looking out at the audience, i could see half of them laughing/enjoying it, while the other half were bristling with disapproval. Unfortunately, one of the bristlers is some poonce who controls the poetry scene gigs in this area.

Dorsey endorses Kennedy

by dulan drift ⌂, Monday, June 05, 2023, 10:49 (461 days ago) @ dulan drift

That's significant considering how little MSM coverage he gets. CNN won't have a bar of him because of his vaccine & Big-pharma stance, & criticisms of Fauci et al, while his election team's FB account is still banned for the same reasons. The DNC has even refused to allow a debate with Biden.

The more i read, the more sensible Kennedy's positions seem. He's the only candidate game to tackle the humanity altering consequences of the Covid Atrocity - all the others just wish we could forget about it. Trouble is we live in such insane times that 'sensible' is considered extremism - whilst extremism (mega-lies about origin, lockdowns, vax-mandates, data-control) is considered normal.

His biggest hurdle will be winning the Democrat nomination. If he could get that, which he probably won't, then he's got far more party cross-over appeal than anyone else in the contest.

I can't get into De Santis. He's standard issue Republican party - charisma-free. Yes, he bucked the trend on lockdowns, but being hard-line on abortion is silly. Check your polling for God-sake! Even most Republicans are not in favour. The same way the KMT had to tone down their re-unification platform if they ever wanted to be elected again, conservatives need to let go of several of their old hobby-horses if they wish to remain relevant.

Dorsey endorses Kennedy

by dan, Monday, June 05, 2023, 11:11 (461 days ago) @ dulan drift

His biggest hurdle will be winning the Democrat nomination. If he could get that, which he probably won't, then he's got far more party cross-over appeal than anyone else in the contest.

Agree on all points. Kennedy would have a large cross-over appeal, or perhaps his appeal would redefine the simplistic dualistic model the media thrives on. Both the Reps and the Dems are losing appeal to large swaths of the population for reasons you stated.

I can't get into De Santis. He's standard issue Republican party - charisma-free. Yes, he bucked the trend on lockdowns, but being hard-line on abortion is silly. Check your polling for God-sake! Even most Republicans are not in favour. The same way the KMT had to tone down their re-unification platform if they ever wanted to be elected again, conservatives need to let go of several of their old hobby-horses if they wish to remain relevant.

Yeah, De Santis was looking like a more reasonable, level-headed Rep a few months ago but now he's just gone bat shit, ballistic crazy with his abortion stance and obsession with Disney. He's trying to appeal to the Christian Nationalist movement, which is extremely troubling. Fascism in the US comes in the form of Christian Nationalism by the right and, well, I don't even know what to call the left's approach which includes lockdowns, censorship, and centralized power.

Two bad choices!

Kennedy to the Rescue?

by dulan drift ⌂, Friday, June 28, 2024, 18:20 (71 days ago) @ dan

It's a good example of DNC gone bad as an ORG that it won't dump Biden to save Kennedy.

Polls say he would beat Trump comfortably head-to-head - he is a Democrat - he's descended from royalty - but they'd do anything to stop him. They'd rather have Trump to continue the duopoly pantomime than someone who will mention the C & V words.

Apart from no debate questions about the origin or dodgy mega-drug splurge it engendered, there were no questions about the candidates positions on Taiwan. Same as the debates 4 years ago.

(disclaimer - i didn't watch all of the debate(s) - so maybe there were questions - but i doubt it)

Kennedy to the Rescue?

by dan, Friday, June 28, 2024, 20:14 (71 days ago) @ dulan drift

Polls say he would beat Trump comfortably head-to-head - he is a Democrat - he's descended from royalty - but they'd do anything to stop him. They'd rather have Trump to continue the duopoly pantomime than someone who will mention the C & V words.

Kennedy addressed this in this interview. Note comments at 5:30, and 6:30, particularly those regarding super delegates.

Kennedy made some very interesting comments about the border.

I wish I could find the link, but I was listening to a commentator recently who suggested that the Biden administration was allowing so many people over the border to give it a means to pump money into the economy.

In order for the US economy to remain afloat, even as the dollar is the reserve currency, it must pump money into the economy to, as anti-intuitive as it may seem, stave off a debt crisis. It needs a crisis to do this, whether it be millions of migrants who must be fed and housed, war, or aliens.

As Kennedy pointed out, most of those he interviewed are not central/south Americans, but people from Asia and Africa. It's entirely possible, even likely, that people who want to commit terrorist acts inside the US have indeed already entered. But this would be with the knowledge of the US govt.

Social breakdown in the US, whether by terrorism foreign or domestic, or just people going fucking crazy, will play into the hands of the govt. as it will help it shore up the US dollar, and that's what it's all about. Money.

Currencies are failing around the world. There's a shit show about to happen and most people don't realize it because economics is boring. The Japanese Yen just hit 160 to the USD.

Do you remember the Asian Financial Crisis of 1996 I think it was? or 97? I think that started in Thailand of Vietnam. That's what's about to happen again but on a much, much larger scale. So the US really needs a war or disaster. Or pandemic.

Kennedy to the Rescue?

by dulan drift ⌂, Saturday, June 29, 2024, 06:09 (71 days ago) @ dan

Many of the lessons of the Asian financial crisis remain relevant today. First, beware of asset bubbles, as they have a habit of bursting. Another is that governments need to control spending and pursue prudent economic development policies.

Prudent is not a word that springs to mind with the Covid splurge. As Georg Hegel once said: The greatest lesson history teaches us is ... we don't learn the lesson.

Immigration in Aus is somewhat different. They've long since throttled refugee arrivals, but well-heeled immigration is going through the roof, including half a million this year alone. At that level, it becomes economically addictive. A professional arriving in Aus needs to buy 'one with the lot' - a house, a car, furniture, insurance, everything - this keeps pumping money into the economy & inflating prices. It's become an easy 'go-to' to stimulate spending but it doesn't really produce anything in terms of exports - most of these professionals are service industry - doctors, lawyers, financial workers.

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