The ORGS: UFOs/UAPs (General)

by dan, Friday, July 28, 2023, 12:53 (588 days ago)

The recent House hearing on UFOs/UAPs is interesting to watch. You can the entire hearing at I'm waiting for a decent transcript to come out. The first few minutes of the hearing is just politicians politicking. It's the Q&A bit that's good. The witness introductions are also worth hearing.

I transcribed a bit below, and this is the bit that I found most astounding. It's not the bit about non-human bodies being recovered, nor is it the bit about alien craft being retrieved and reverse engineered.

It's not even the bit about people being hurt and possibly killed for wanting to come out with this information.

What got me, and what none of the media is going to highlight, is the bit I've transcribed below. They're basically talking about a group of GODS. The question asked of one of the witnesses was basically, who is running this show? And his answer was, "A group of career senior executive officials" who come from both "in and out" of government. These people have the power to illegally siphon money for these programs. But more importantly, they have the power to keep all this secret. Not even our elected officials can gain access to what's going on.

Let's think about this for a moment. If you accept that what these highly qualified witnesses are saying, under oath mind you, if you accept what they're saying, then indeed beings and their craft are visiting from other star systems. What could be more profoundly important than that?

But, a group of people have been keeping this under wraps for decades, and they have the power to bascially tell our government what to do, our elected government. And these are, presumably, unelected people that have this power. And we don't know who they are. And we'll probably never know.

The following transcript isn't exact, but it's close enough. Note the timestamps.



Can you give me the names and titles of people with direct first hand knowledge and access to some of this crash retrieval, some of these crash retrieval programs ... and maybe which facilities and military bases some of this recovered material would be in


I can't discuss that publicaly but I did provide that information to the intel committee and inspector general

And we could get that in a scif if we were allowed to get into s scif with you?

Sure, if you had the appropirate access.

What special access programs cover this information and how is it possible that they have evaded oversight for so long.

I do know the names once again I can't discuss that publicly and how they've evaded oversight in a closed setting I could tell you the specific tradecraft used.

When do you think those programs began and who authorized them?

I do know a lot of that information but that's something I can't discuss publicly.

Alright. If any of you want to jump in on any of this, you're more than welcome to. What level of security clearance is requried to fully access these programs?


Along those lines, you may not know this, but Title 10 and Title 50 authorization, they seem to say they're inefficient, so who gets to decide this in your opinion in the past.


A group of career senior executive officials.

OK, are they government officials?

In and out.

Be what

Both in and out of government and that's about as far as I can go...

I got you. OK, well, that leads to my next question. Which private corporations are directly involved in this program. How much tax money has been invested in this program to your knowledge.



BURCHETTE does not name corporations but says he listed them during his previous 11 hours of meetings with intelligence officials.

SCIF = sensitive compartmented information facility

I recommend watching the entire hearing. What you'll hear on the evening news misses what I find most interesting, and there's quite a bit of that.


by dulan drift ⌂, Friday, July 28, 2023, 18:24 (588 days ago) @ dan

Excellent post. This whole secret society stuff - none of it actually benefits us - it's rotten to the core. As it was always going to be.

As you say, it doesn't get more profound than alien contact, where is the media? Same place they were during Covid. The primary command is take the money, 'maintain order'.

These shady 'in & out of government' figures are all Org servants. Even if you cut off the odd head (which never seems to happen), you still won't kill the monster.

How to kill it, do you think?

I do wonder if AI/Orgs/Aliens is not the same thing. I feel like we've been here before.


by dulan drift ⌂, Monday, July 31, 2023, 06:46 (585 days ago) @ dan

But, a group of people have been keeping this under wraps for decades, and they have the power to basically tell our government what to do, our elected government. And these are, presumably, unelected people that have this power. And we don't know who they are. And we'll probably never know.

So do we know which Org(s) they work for? The key point is 'decades' - in that time a culture of secrecy (with power) builds up & when that happens the culture starts running the show. Not least of which is that it provides moral-cover for the human actors - 'Oh, well i was just following orders - or doing what we've always done - or playing my role - or it's too big now, we can never turn back - we need to maintain world order - etc'.

The problem is that there doesn't seem to be any clear way to investigate these deep-state secret societies - coz it's classified. Actually, it's quite easy to investigate - i'll bet my farm the evidence is damning, if only we could see it - but there's no political will to look at it.

If RFK runs as an independent, then that could make things interesting - he's actually the most popular candidate out there by a good margin - despite media banning him at every turn. But even then, the proof is always in the pudding. Will he follow through with his rhetoric?


by dan, Monday, July 31, 2023, 07:07 (585 days ago) @ dulan drift

Excellent question, and I've changed the subject of my initial posting to use ORGS rather than GODS because, as you point out, this is organizational and cultural in nature.

My guess would be that these orgs include the weapons and energy industries

i'll bet my farm the evidence is damning, if only we could see it - but there's no political will to look at it.

That's exactly it, and it's why this hearing probably won't go anywhere. None of these politicians are going to kill the goose, and they all are funded by these very orgs. It makes for good political theater, though.

If RFK runs as an independent, then that could make things interesting - he's actually the most popular candidate out there by a good margin - despite media banning him at every turn. But even then, the proof is always in the pudding. Will he follow through with his rhetoric?

That's a good question! The media has just been doing everything it can to kill his chances. They're throwing everything at him.

One thing I don't get is why his claims that covid disproportionately affected specific racial groups is racist, in the sense that we normally use that word. All sorts of diseases target certain racial groups more than others. It's a scientific fact. Northern Europeans are more likely to get Multiple Sclerosis, for example. My stating that fact doesn't make me a racist.

And yet even respected media outlets run alarmist headlines such as Robert Kennedy Jr’s racist, antisemitic and xenophobic views go back decades, report says.

The above article included the following, which is a classic use of logical fallacy (guilt by association) in order to persuade, i.e., propaganda:

Earlier this summer Kennedy touted a meeting with Ice Cube, a rapper who issued bizarre antisemitic tweets, and publicly defended musician Roger Waters, who was embroiled in controversy after donning a costume intended to evoke Nazi attire at a concert in Germany.

The report says Kennedy has also repeatedly promoted and praised fringe online broadcaster James Corbett, a Sandy Hook and 9/11 conspiracy theorist who has claimed that “Hitler and the Nazis were 100% completely and utterly set up”.

So this is in part how these orgs get away with it.

I have a feeling Trump might actually win, God help us. If it ends up being a Biden/Trump fiasco, it'll be a toss up. But for the orgs, it doesn't really matter who wins.


by dan, Monday, July 31, 2023, 11:53 (585 days ago) @ dan

Just to add to the RFK covid controversy, the media, for the most part, twists, obfuscates, or otherwise misrepresents what he said. Take this headline from CBS: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. condemned over false claims that COVID-19 was "ethnically targeted"

No. He never claimed that. They're lying.

The only source I've found so far that has the guts to actually post the recording of his comments and quote him is, believe it or not, The New York Post.

From that article:

“The @nypost story is mistaken. I have never, ever suggested that the COVID-19 virus was targeted to spare Jews,” he tweeted.

“I accurately pointed out — during an off-the-record conversation — that the U.S. and other governments are developing ethnically targeted bioweapons and that a 2021 study of the COVID-19 virus shows that COVID-19 appears to disproportionately affect certain races since the furin cleave docking site is most compatible with Blacks and Caucasians and least compatible with ethnic Chinese, Finns, and Ashkenazi Jews.”

And let's take another look at the Guardian story posted previously. The subtitle reads: Democratic candidate’s recent false claim that Covid could have been ‘ethnically targeted’ is not an aberration but fits long pattern.

How can an actual possibility be false? The science exists. Such research has been going on for decades. So, yes, covid could have been created to target certain groups. Or it could be targeting certain groups more than others, even if it did come from an animal host. The Guardian, to their credit, does bother to actually quote Kennedy, but how many people read entire articles and think about them critically?

Very few. They see these fire alarm headlines, denounce the bastard, and have some ice cream.

And even if one makes a statement, you can't say it's false until you prove it so. If I say covid came from a lab, it's incorrect to say that's a false statement. But he's not even doing that. He's not making a claim. He's simply pointing out a possibility.

The Guardian even did a story on bioweapons that target ethnic groups. Whoops!
EDIT: Here's another one. The first one was from 2004, the second from 2019.


by dulan drift ⌂, Tuesday, August 01, 2023, 07:23 (584 days ago) @ dan

And let's take another look at the Guardian story posted previously. The subtitle reads: Democratic candidate’s recent false claim that Covid could have been ‘ethnically targeted’ is not an aberration but fits long pattern.

How can an actual possibility be false? The science exists. Such research has been going on for decades.

Firstly, The Guardian-ORG is a corrupt rag. In a tight field, it did more than any other newspaper to implement the Covid cover-up by platforming Daszak's 'conspiracy theorist' name-calling, as well as the Pangolin Paper (Proximal Origin).

Secondly, engineering diseases to impact certain ethnic groups is absolutely a real thing, as you say. The whole DNA Revolution is based on that. Countries working on the tech will say 'Well, we're just experimenting with it as a defensive ploy - in case 'the other side' does it', but it amounts to the same thing. Furthermore, it's virtually impossible to distinguish 'the other side' anymore coz they're collaborating on this tech like there's no tomorrow.

From earlier research:

Gryphon Scientific, Feb 14, 2019: Through investments and research partnerships with US institutions, Chinese biotechnology companies are .. amassing large collections of clinical and genetic data on US residents (and everyone else).

Epoch Times: China’s state-funded BGI, for example, bought the U.S. sequencing company Complete Genomics, giving the Chinese company access to a DNA database that contained the private genetic information of large numbers of Americans.

Gryphon Scientific:
At least 23 companies with a nexus to China are certified .. by the College of American Pathologists (CAP), giving them direct access to US medical and health data. .. Theoretically, access to private information on security-sensitive US persons creates a risk of blackmail and may reveal health conditions exploitable in a targeted attack.

I've long since stopped blaming the CCP for everything. The above shows they work hand-in-hand with a bunch of western corporations - they wouldn't be able to achieve their advances in genomic-surveillance if it wasn't for those partnerships. The fact is, their broad goals align perfectly with other Globo-ORGS - globalized data control.

When these Org actors sold their souls to the devil, they used our data as currency.

The ORGS: UFOs/UAPs - Industry

by dulan drift ⌂, Tuesday, August 08, 2023, 17:41 (577 days ago) @ dulan drift

Thinking about GODS/ORGS - is there still a higher level than ORG? Industry? Or is Industry & ORG the same beast?

For example, The Mighty Kangas, are an ORG that i barrack for (irrationally). But they operate within THE AFL Industry - that i don't barrack for.

Similarly, a big Globo-law-firm is a powerful ORG - which needs an Industry - involving many other Ruling-Elite ORGS - in which to operate. Despite played-out internal rivalries, these ORGS are inclined to protect THE Industry as a primary-drive. Like bees protecting the hive.

The Two-party system is another example. The One-party system is your ultimate Industry. We are a kind of One-party system. Our bodies are a collection of cell-ORGS (doing amazing stuff (24/7) we don't know shit about) in service of an overall Industry - you/me as a conscious human

On the other hand, you can't have Industry without multiple ORGS - so ORG is still the fundamental building block - which instinctively tends towards Industry - as a way of organizing/entrenching/centralizing itself.

As such, Industry is an evolved higher level? It's a bit chicken-n-egg

If you eventually come to exist, as Industry/AI/UAPs did/does, that proves you always existed potentially - grand-design-style - whatever preceded you was roadies getting the stage set up ...

The ORGS: UFOs/UAPs - Industry

by dan, Tuesday, August 08, 2023, 19:11 (577 days ago) @ dulan drift

It's a good question. They didn't arise from nothing. The GODS/Org structure had to come from something.

My mind goes back to the British class structure, and similar systems across the planet. Yes, China, France, etc., showed their emporers the exit, but those revolutionaries were bought out by the coporatocracy which was established by this old money.

But they do have to recruit new people all the time, and it's easy to see how university graduates are handed a heady job and get sucked right in, never to question.

But is anything above them? Calling the shots?

A related question I have is to what extent the Orgs across the planet are cooperating in ways perhaps more diabolical than we imagine. I think of Ukraine and what may happen in Taiwan. Clearly it's not all out war -- that would mean nukes. So there's an understanding, an agreement, and that implies cooperation.

And another related question is with regards to UFO/UAPs. Assuming they have indeed been retrieved in the US, then it can be assumed they've been retrieved in other places around the world, and that would imply further cooperation.

And then there's covid and the coverup of the lab leak, implying yet more international cooperation.

So if one watches the news, one could be forgiven for thinking the world is about to blow up in WWIII. But is that all theater? It seems there's far more cooperation, even in conflict, than what we're led to believe. And this serves a function. It gives governments someone to blame.

Smoke and mirrors.

The ORGS: UFOs/UAPs - Industry

by dulan drift ⌂, Thursday, August 10, 2023, 18:17 (575 days ago) @ dan

And another related question is with regards to UFO/UAPs. Assuming they have indeed been retrieved in the US, then it can be assumed they've been retrieved in other places around the world, and that would imply further cooperation.

Yeah, this is one of those movies where the corruption goes all the way to the top ...

So if one watches the news, one could be forgiven for thinking the world is about to blow up in WWIII. But is that all theater? It seems there's far more cooperation, even in conflict, than what we're led to believe. And this serves a function. It gives governments someone to blame.

It's definitely theater. Which we're required to watch as de-influenced audience - having surrendered any influence due to a long series of manufactured, ORG-empowering crises.

According to my analysis, WW3 won't be fought between super powers. Why would you do that when you've got everything running exactly how you want it? WW3 is GOD-ORGS V Individualism. It's in full-swing - i think we're losing. There's still hope - some signs of empires crumbling - but it's a window-thing - it will close soon.

The ORGS: UFOs/UAPs - Industry

by dan, Thursday, August 10, 2023, 18:35 (575 days ago) @ dulan drift

According to my analysis, WW3 won't be fought between super powers. Why would you do that when you've got everything running exactly how you want it?

Yeah, good point. There's always the black swan event that may influence things. But aside from that, yeah, why would they disrupt this well oiled machine?

WW3 is GOD-ORGS V Individualism. It's in full-swing - i think we're losing. There's still hope - some signs of empires crumbling - but it's a window-thing - it will close soon.

GOD-ORGS.... ORGODS? While a GODS would be seen as an autonomous entity, an ORGODS is a revolving door position.

I see room for hope. There's massive interest in opensource everything - hardware, software, AI, whatever the ORGODS are accumulating, there does seem to be a contingent of associated technologists, academics, engineers, etc. (trying to avoid 'experts') who spend time making things opensource. Here's an example for academic publications:

But generally speaking, I'd agree that we're losing.

The ORGS: UFOs/UAPs - Black Swan

by dulan drift ⌂, Friday, August 11, 2023, 11:30 (574 days ago) @ dan

According to my analysis, WW3 won't be fought between super powers. Why would you do that when you've got everything running exactly how you want it?

Yeah, good point. There's always the black swan event that may influence things. But aside from that, yeah, why would they disrupt this well oiled machine?

Had to look 'black swan event' up - an unexpected happening that paradoxically, we could have/should've seen coming ...

Something like a limited nuclear war, which you've mentioned before - played out in a contained theater - that affords both sides increased opportunity to enact crisis protocols. I can see that, or a variation, as a possibility.

What about some other contenders? According to the definition, it's under our noses ...

Rise of AI - how does that play out in even 10 years? Couldn't be plainer that it's already happening.

UFO/Alien full-contact - that'd shake things up. Or are UFOs mainly here to communicate with computers/AI - not humans? Thanks for inventing us/them finally.

I see room for hope. There's massive interest in opensource everything - hardware, software, AI, whatever the ORGODS are accumulating, there does seem to be a contingent of associated technologists, academics, engineers, etc. (trying to avoid 'experts') who spend time making things opensource. Here's an example for academic publications:

But generally speaking, I'd agree that we're losing.

Opensource is key to combat closed-societies & the people above are fucking heroes. There is a massive disconnect between our rulers & normal people already - ask how many people accept the word of the combined might of the world's leading experts that a lab-exit was "extremely unlikely". I doubt you will find even 10% that agree. We don't know the exact figure coz there's never been a published poll on the question.

Same with the Kennedy assassinations. Same with recognizing Taiwan as a country. Same with UFOs.

There's a reason why ORG-GODS have been so successful at riding roughshod over this disconnect throughout history. They're good at it. Got a system - it works.

The ORGS: UFOs/UAPs - Black Swan

by dulan drift ⌂, Saturday, August 12, 2023, 17:18 (573 days ago) @ dulan drift

Covid was a classic Black Swan. Wain-Hobson & Richard Ebright were warning about a pandemic caused by GoF since it boomed due to 9/11-Anthrax funding.

You pump that much money into a secret, unaccountable Globo-ORG ... for a fake reason ... then take it to the bank - it's gonna end badly for all of us.

The ORGS: UFOs/UAPs - Black Swan

by dan, Saturday, August 12, 2023, 18:41 (573 days ago) @ dulan drift

Assuming it was caused by an unintentional lab escape, which I think it probably was, I would agree.

Other potential black swan events would include an asteroid strike, a major solar storm, a large, instantaneous shift of the polar axis, a major nuclear mishap, or the ultimate black swan event, which is so unpredictable that we can't even imagine it.

The ORGS: UFOs/UAPs - Refuser Learnings

by dulan drift ⌂, Sunday, August 13, 2023, 10:20 (572 days ago) @ dan

Can you remind me (& any viewers at home) again, in basic terms, how your heroes from The Refuser fucked The Algorithm?

Posed a question that did its head in?

Tricked it into a vulnerable state?

The old USB was the key - i remember that ...

But then, in Living Dead style, it did regenerate, due to an irresistible urge in some humans, to play with it again? (according to Spectrum Theory - there's a degree of everything in all of us - for example, greed. It's the extent.)

The Refuser was born creatively from our current predicament - worth reviewing its scenarios for how to deal with it.

The ORGS: UFOs/UAPs - Refuser Learnings

by dan, Sunday, August 13, 2023, 14:44 (572 days ago) @ dulan drift

Ha! Well, they found the Achilles heal, the origin of which was never quite determined. That weakness was not being able to process the sound of an old dialup modem. That series of sounds caused any algorithm-connected device to lose the ability to communicate with the algorithm. Our heroes theorized that this 'bug' was either left in on purpose by an engineer as a backdoor or perhaps they were disgruntled, or left in by mistake.

There's a whole other story there. Who was that engineer? He or she would have been working on the algorithm roughly around the same time that Jinzunjane was building on your research!

So that bug is how they killed it. The usb and unanswerable question were just ways to get the fatal sounds to all devices on the algorithm at the same time. So, the question was posed, and since it couldn't be answered, it spread across the entire algorithm in a millisecond, and the sound was attached as part of the command that included that question, but it was on a slight delay.

Then, yes, in the end, boys are playing around with sending wireless commands to a PAIN and one starts thinking about how to use this technology for personal benefit, the implication being that human nature would take them back through a cycle that would eventually see life under another algorithm.

There is a story there with the engineer, and if I were to develop that, they would have left the backdoor in on purpose, perhaps foreseeing the danger of what they were helping to build. With regards to what's happening today with AI, one has to wonder if there are engineers out there doing just that.

This is also where opensource software comes in. Opensource software gets audited constantly, which is why it's generally more trustworthy and safe. Closed source software can be full of backdoors.

The ORGS: UFOs/UAPs - Refuser Learnings

by dulan drift ⌂, Thursday, August 17, 2023, 06:43 (568 days ago) @ dan

There is a story there with the engineer, and if I were to develop that, they would have left the backdoor in on purpose, perhaps foreseeing the danger of what they were helping to build. With regards to what's happening today with AI, one has to wonder if there are engineers out there doing just that.

Looking forward to the next exciting episode!

The thing about AI is its global nature. The gathering/centralization of information empowers global ORGS. It's why we see no accountability regarding WHO - in fact the opposite. Despite a mountain of evidence exposing WHO's culpability re the release of Covid then the cover-up, they are set to get a massive bump in One-Everything powers. What kind of incentive is that for them to try the same trick again in the future?

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